Saving Young Fruit Trees From Overload: Step-By-Step Instructions For Pruning

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Carefully planting a young tree in our orchard, we imagine it to be beautiful and healthy, yielding a plentiful harvest. However, often due to inexperience or sloppiness, we do not think that this will not happen if we leave the Apple or pear to grow as a “wild” forest plant or pay attention to the garden only occasionally. Varietal trees need regular and timely care.

Overloaded means overloaded

We will talk about young and adult weakened trees. Something prevented the tree from growing: the roots were in time trouble, the bark was damaged by rodents. Or the owner overdid it. And then the tree almost stopped growing and overgrown with prolific branches entirely, turning into a tufted resemblance of branching coral.

And the owner looked at this business calmly, naively rejoicing as it is covered with fruits. And I thought only when they were completely crushed and began to crumble immature. Now it will take at least 2 years to restore the tree — if it can be done at all. But how much easier it was to fix it right away!

What to do?

There is no time to form. First and foremost, right in the spring-5-10 wheelbarrows of dead manure should be laid out in a ring in the projection of the crown, a couple of meters from the trunk, on top-a small stack of straw to scatter or something else to hide. Prepare a micro-fertilizer with a stimulant and a sprayer. Our goal is to get a new increase!

Now you need to rid the tree of 80% of the prolific branches. All the bottoms are removed, all that is lowered and growing down-in favor of the tops. You can delete a leader to create a bowl shape.

First, thin out: leave 3-4 of the strongest branches in the two middle tiers, and everything else, especially the drying lower tier, is removed entirely. But if there are young shoots, do not touch them!

The most overloaded are the side branches, which are inclined downwards. We shorten them to a young branch that is directed higher and has at least some growth. At the same time, half or even a third of the branch may remain. There is no young branch-cut on any strong prolific branch.

If there is an increase in the leader, at least 30-40 cm, we leave it. It will strengthen the tree, help to grow roots and with a sense of accomplishment will be removed in 2 years. If there is no growth on the leader, we remove it to the strongest tier of branches. And we hope that the tops will come out of the cut and become a new tier.

And now-detailed cutting of the remaining branches. First, you need to delete every second branch completely. And secondly, the remaining fertile branches should be left with 1-2 lower buds — rejuvenate them. And it is better to cut off the flowers for a couple of years, but only true fans of gardening can do this.

The last — it is necessary to clear the bark, clear the base of the branches and trunk on three sides, on one — cover it all with clay and manure and bandage. And after catching your breath, you can start foliar feeding. Agree, it was better to fix it right away!

Look at your garden, remember last summer — how did each fruit tree feel? If you find weakened, overloaded instances, do not hesitate to get down to business — save it before it’s too late.

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