Eco-Fitness, or the Garden for the Good of the Body

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There is an Amateur opinion that the care of the garden – is in the full sense of the word mundane occupation that it is the opposite of self-care, beloved. That garden work – it is unsportsmanlike and uninteresting in terms of self-improvement.

Eco-fitness rules

Gardeners are practical people. Therefore, the idea to turn monotonous work into an exotic workout — a kind of “eco-fitness” — comes to many.

The results are obvious (and figure), not to mention the fact that the coach-garden, like a true Sensei, along with physical improvement pays attention to the spiritual: steady mind, stable mood, and even longevity will be an additional reward the diligent student.

However, the main exercises the gardener must perform correctly, so that the aftertaste does not remain pain in the back and hands. Not indifferent to the nature of the Catholic St. Francis of Assisi, whose biography is caressing the ear the name “Flowers”, called the body “brother donkey” and advised not to bring it — useful and patient animal – to exhaustion.

Do not strive to embrace the immensity – in the garden there is always work. Gardeners are usually divided into sprinters and stayers. The first work “cavalry rush”, the second prefer “slowly but surely”. And that, and the other approach has its strengths and weaknesses: sprinters quickly run out of steam, the first weeded bed overgrown before they finish the last weeding.

Tired of pulling the garden strap and complain of a sick garden head-neck-arms-legs-back and those, and others. Sprinters should be advised not to get into a rage and not to let the garden drive itself, and the stayers – to work under the rhythmic, stimulating music.

Anyone familiar with fall and spring rush jobs, when every minute of the day is filled with relentless care of the garden. Do not aim, however, to weed or dig up everything in one go, “from fence to lunch.” This can result in great trouble for the hands and back.

When finds such attack of an aggravation of garden activity, as there is no time to sit down, do not forget to change the type of work as often as possible, the best rest is a change of activities.

Sports equipment

Wheelbarrow – chief garden transport, although some gardeners-ladies wheelbarrows are afraid, preferring to trust her piloting male hands and doing, if such hands at the right time are not available, tactics “slowly”.

And in vain! Carrying a bucket of sand and clay is definitely not useful, especially if there are or are expected problems with veins. Push the wheelbarrow in front of you or carry with you – not so important, well-developed pectoral muscles are provided for you.

Provided by the garden state division of the entrenching tools must be serviceable and comfortable to serve on the health master as sports equipment, not to become an instrument of torture. It is noticed, for example, that the sharpness of the shovel is equal to the sharpness of your sense of the earth, and the relief of the biceps of the digger is directly proportional to the sharpness of the shovel – because a good tool can take more and throw on.

Such an elegant thing as a fan rake can be a good sports equipment for stretching and developing the muscles of the back, but if you “plunder” at once six acres, the back will hurt. As human experience shows, the back is the most vulnerable place. It should be as much as possible to unload, carrying the load on his feet.

Transplanting a large plant with a lump of earth, do not raise it “back”. Squat down, take the plant and get up, keeping your back straight and stretching your legs. Always cover with a film sand, earth, manure – undiluted rain or melt water substrate is much easier to climb, and powerlifting in the garden and so little happens. As a strength training is much more entertaining and effective to collect stones for a rocky hill or pond.

Pruning trees and removing fruit from them is a unique exercise for stretching and developing flexibility, but it is necessary to protect the neck. Hours looking up easy to carry is that usual for this astronomers.

Jewelry work

Weeding and loosening is a delicate work, it is akin to meditation. There are “samurai” who weed with a fork. However, they have, and mere mortals “fighting stance” the same:

  • Weeding “in the ostrich pose” is good for stretching the legs, but with such an unnatural position for a person in the head can hit not only the blood.
  • Weeding on my knees using a special knee or tourist “foam”, are good ways to practice humility.
  • To do weeding, sitting on a low stool – the most “economical” way for the body, but it’s sedentary work – and, therefore, is no longer a sport.

Perhaps of all the garden exercise it sets weeding to do as short as possible and to alternate them with other, more intense, dynamic and stimulating blood circulation loads. Checked: not knowing the measure making a grasping motion with his hands even in his sleep.

Hydrotherapeutic procedure

One of the most pleasant for both the garden and its owner exercises is watering. Watering the garden, pulling the rope of the hose and throwing the weights of the buckets and watering cans, and don’t forget about yourself – joint garden water procedures bring together and promote mutual understanding.

Few gardeners can resist the temptation to recall his childhood and warm summer day to pour out of the hose yourself and loved ones. In any case, it is a good end to the working-sports day dedicated to the garden. Better perhaps that could be a trip to the baths.

Mowing the lawn

Mowing or mowing the lawn will be a good workout for the muscles of the arms and back.

When working with a trimmer for a long time, change hands more often, so that both the load and the other load are uniform.

From the area of curiosities: there are fans to mow the grass mower without grass collector – flying on the open skin of the legs mowed grass acts as a needle massager, improving blood circulation. However, in addition to objections to safety, there is a side effect: exquisite herbal “wool” on the legs. Like the hobbits in Tolkien’s books, only green.

The man in the garden: rules of operation

A little about wild, uncomplicated to garden culture men. As practice shows, such a man is better not to entrust monotonous hard work, but he is likely to be happy under the admiring gaze of neighbors to deliver you in-Oh-he is the beautiful (but heavy) stone, heroically throw a bunch of land or raise a piece of virgin soil.

In particular honor of men power tasks that help to get rid of excess weight.

Rested, relaxed…

Sometimes you just need to postpone things and make a promenade in the garden. To bypass the possession evening and morning watch – old and wise tradition. On the move is not forbidden to cut anything faded.

If the garden worries really tired you – change the situation, “make yourself interesting.” For recovery breathing and blood circulation useful walk for wild plants – in companies sapper might, a bucket, a backpack and neighbors-gardeners. What can be borrowed from nature legally, in smart hands will give new shades to the style of your garden.

And accumulated over the active season of “eco-fitness” strength, health and positive emotions will allow you to bloom and prettier, not especially distracted by some little things like winter.

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