Flower Garden From Scratch: 5 Tips To Help You Make An Amazing Flower Bed

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If the garden has at least one flower garden with beautiful plants, green possessions are guaranteed admiring glances. We will tell you what you need to pay attention to so that the landing is successful.

1. Determine the location

First of all, you need to choose a corner where your flower dream will be realized. Ideally, this should be the point that is most advantageous for viewing.

Next, the location should be evaluated according to several criteria, the main of which is illumination:

  • a flower garden that stays in the sun for 5 or more hours is considered sunny,
  • illuminated for 2-5 hours a day-semi-shaded,
  • 2 hours or less-shady.

It is equally important to analyze the water permeability of the soil. If it is poor sandy, you need to enrich it with compost — this will increase the moisture capacity. If it is, on the contrary, clay, you should add sand — to increase water permeability.

The next step — the choice of plants-depends on the illumination and humidity of the soil.

2. Choose plants for the flower garden

Everyone has their own favorites among the representatives of the flora. However, it is not always a good idea to collect all the favorites in one pile, because they may have different needs. Plants fully develop and enjoy good health, only if they live in a suitable place for them. Therefore, to create a successful flower garden, you will have to make a list of your favorite species and varieties, based on future growing conditions. At the same time, do not forget to take into account also the height of the plants and the time of flowering, because by and large the flower garden should be beautiful not one month a year, but as long as possible.

In the photo: a round flower garden serves as a miracle frame for a pond with a fountain. The first flowers are daffodils and hellebores, later — Epimedium and Alchemilla vulgaris. The plants are specially selected low, such that they do not obscure the mini-pond.

3. Draw the contours and select the “living space” for each plant

Since flower beds just like a piece of furniture, you can not move, you should not hurry with the realization of a dream into reality. First, you need to figure out what shape and size the flower bed will have. At the same time, you can and should “play” with the contours a little, that is, experiment, “drawing” different options with boards, rope or hose.

When you decide on the appearance of the planting, you can start distributing the plants. It is advisable to draw a plan in which the place for each green ward is indicated, taking into account the space required for an adult specimen.

And finally-it remains only to calculate which representatives of the flora you will need and in what quantity.

Tip: most floral herbaceous perennials look more impressive if they are duplicated in planting in several places at once.

4. What you should pay attention to when buying

If you have the opportunity to drive up to a plant nursery or garden center with a wide range of products, be sure to use it. On the spot, you can not only see the plants, but also choose the best specimens and at the same time save on shipping. In addition, the representatives of the flora grown in your area are best adapted to the local climate conditions.

If you ordered the plants via the Internet, then after receiving the parcel, immediately unpack and try to plant the “pet”as quickly as possible. After all, the product is alive!

Tip: it is best to lay a flower garden in spring or autumn, because at this time it is not hot and the soil is moist enough for the plants to take root faster and better in a new place.

5. The right way to a good start

1) Depending on whether your soil is clay or sandy, improve it by adding compost or sand.

2) Now, according to the plan, arrange all the available herbaceous perennials in their places. At the same time, do not forget to leave the recommended distance between them, so that later adult plants do not suppress each other. When you spread the residents of the flower garden over the entire area, it will become clear whether there are enough plants for your plan.

Important: it is better to buy or remove extra “pets” than to plant them too thickly or rarely.

3) Immerse the roots of the plants in a bucket of water and keep them there until the bubbles stop popping. Then carefully disassemble the clump of roots with your fingers.

4) Start planting plants from the back rows, so as not to accidentally trample the newly planted ones.

5) Even if the roots are already saturated with moisture in the bucket, after planting, water the flower garden thoroughly. This is necessary in order for the soil to settle and fit more tightly to the roots of the plants.

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