Garden On the Windowsill: Grow Onions, Garlic and Carrots On the Greens

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In the summer, we enjoy an abundance of fresh herbs and vegetables, so that by August, we look at the green ray and fresh dill with satisfactory indifference. It is more pleasant to pluck an elastic feather of garlic, onion or even carrot greens and add them to any dish in the middle of winter.

It will not be difficult to arrange a winter garden on the windowsill, and if you still have to tinker with the home cultivation of cucumbers or tomatoes, then everyone can grow greens. Remember, probably, in school they grew onions over a jar of water. But we suggest doing something a little different.

For growing onions on greens, you can take both turnips and onions. From a strong mature bulb, we get a powerful bunch of greens, quite sharp in taste. From a small bulb grow thin delicate green shoots. Garlic and carrot greens are very flavorful and go well in salads or first courses.

Planting material and containers

When the onion is immersed in water, after a while it begins to rot, it smells bad, and in the end we throw the onion away before it gives up everything it can. Therefore, it is preferable to use a shallow container with earth. Plant the bulbs quite tightly and do not bury them, place them between mature bulbs.

Onion ground does not fall asleep

With carrots and garlic, you can make a joint planting, but for the container you need to choose a deep, well-suited flower pot. It is advisable to choose the appropriate size for the depth of the container.

Place the carrots in the center, dig out, and almost on the surface lay out the garlic cloves: we also need greens, so there is no point in spoiling it. Moisten the ground, sprinkle with garlic and put it on the windowsill.

Garlic can be planted with carrots

We place our containers on the windowsill, preferably on the south or south-east side of the house. Now periodic watering is required. If you have such an opportunity, then in December and January it will be very good to organize additional lighting in the mornings and evenings, as well as on cloudy days. However, experience shows that even in December, the greens grow up if there is no lighting. In 10 days after planting, we will be able to start harvesting.

Share with us your experience of growing different crops on the windowsill in winter!

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