How To Seal Plantings In a Greenhouse

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For many summer residents, the issue of a place available for planting is very acute: it is often catastrophically not enough to satisfy all summer fantasies. And although my plot is quite spacious, I also try to optimize my beds. In this publication I want to share my experience of compacting plantings in a greenhouse.

We always plant a lot. We grow most of the crop in greenhouses, so they are quite large by average standards. Despite this, we want to use the indoor premises to the maximum, therefore, in addition to the main culture, complementary ones are growing in them.

What crops can be compacted planting

First of all, it is radish. It can be sown in several stages for continuous harvesting. It is better to choose those varieties that do not develop flower stems. I like, for example, ‘Presto’, ‘Gloria’, ‘Rebel’.

All kinds of green crops are excellent as sealing agents. It can be arugula, salads, spinach, etc. It is good to sow coriander, basil (you can also plant seedlings), dill in the greenhouse.

How I prepare the beds

Almost all greenhouse beds are covered with mulching material. I prefer black, and it has been used, as a rule, for more than one year. In the photo below you can see a fragment of the garden prepared for planting tomatoes. Ahead of time, it was fertilized with organic and mineral fertilizers of long-acting so that there was enough food for the entire summer season.

Covering the bed, we leave its edge open. For some time now, I began to sow many crops not in a groove, as they usually do, but otherwise. Last year I bought a hand cultivator and fully felt the charm of using it. It turned out that this is a very convenient device for planting and removing the roots of malicious weeds.


With the help of a hand cultivator, I make shallow holes. Then I put, for example, 5 radish seeds in each: 4 around the circumference and 1 in the center. If you have a salad or dill, then you can pour a little bit of seeds into each hole. It turns out to be a nest landing.

Next, I sprinkle the seeds on top with good mature humus or ready—made soil with vermicompost – literally 1-2 scoops in each hole. The filling should be of high quality and very loose, the sowing depth should not exceed 2 cm.

This method of sowing, in my opinion, is much more convenient compared to how we usually do — in rows. In this way, it is possible to seal not only greenhouse beds, but also planting in the open ground.

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