Country Furniture Made of Plastic Bottles

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Do you like plastic bottle furniture? I don’t. Not so much, of course, to dissuade others from its creation, but the excitement about the original beauty of the next sofa or table, I do not share.

Meanwhile, the above-mentioned furniture, completely oblivious to my unfriendly attitude to it, constantly reminds himself: a quiet SAP sneaks into conversations with familiar summer residents, meekly glances from the pages of magazines, with a poorly hidden celebration appears even in TV shows! Moreover, from modest country homes she had already moved in quite a trendy apartment!

I was wondering: what is the secret of the amazing survivability of plastic furniture?

Maybe I couldn’t see all the advantages. Then I’ll try to find them now.

Budget option

The material is almost worthless: if your own plastic packaging is not enough, neighbors and friends will be happy to share this “good”. Usually the process of creating furniture begins with the simplest option – Ottoman.

The process can not be called difficult, but at the end of a pleasant feeling still warms the soul-it turned out! It remains to sew a suitable cover to the product harmoniously fit into the interior.

Options-the sea, you can even make a few covers and change their mood.

Simplicity and speed of production

It is also important: guests descended more than usual, and there is nothing to seat them. If at hand there is a stock of bottles and tape, the problem of lack of furniture is solved quickly. In haste, even the sofa can be built – on Ottomans will not sit for a long time, sooner or later the back will require support. And to make the furniture look decent, you can cover it. Look, in the draft version of the sofa looks frankly dull. And covered it with a blanket and decorated with a couple of pillows-and nothing!

The most important thing – do not forget to lean the back of the sofa to some reliable support: wall, post, strong wood. Otherwise, guests (even warned about the instability of the product) during the party can completely forget about caution and relaxed leaning back, forced to make a synchronous somersault back.


If the number of bottles is limited, you can experiment as much as you want with those that are available: tired of the sofa – made a chair, sat in a chair – converted it into a bed.

Low weight

Move and carry such furniture can easily cope even a teenager.

Not afraid of rain

An ordinary sofa (even an old one), standing under your favorite Apple tree in the summer, will have to shelter from the showers, and plastic water is uneasy.

Not pity

If you live in the country only in the summer, leaving the city, you can not worry about the safety of furniture from the cold, mice or thieves – how long to make a brand new one?

Office economy version

A solid firm is unlikely to take advantage of such a tempting offer, but budding entrepreneurs may well put such a sofa in the hallway of the office.


Or this is the idea of a heated chair. However, the time of warming action is limited, but still… I have such a chair just unnecessarily: first of all, my feet are freezing, and this product is definitely designed to warm other parts of the body.

In General, the advantages of the furniture bottles still there. I will not say that it has become more attractive to me, but some of the ideas I took note of as inexpensive and practical.

And you have in mind interesting options for furniture made of plastic bottles?

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