Feeding the Ducks From the First Days, Tips for Caring

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Successful breeding of poultry begins with proper feeding. It is very important to give barely hatched chickens, ducklings or turkeys the right impetus to development.

I want to share my experience of feeding young animals on the example of ducklings. In the spring, it so happened that when one of the turkeys decided to sit on the eggs, they were all already disassembled — placed under other chickens. So we decided to put 16 musk duck eggs under the turkey.

The incubation period of turkey eggs is 28 days, musk duck — 32, sometimes more. The turkey coped with its task: as a result, 16 ducklings hatched.

It is very important not to miss the beginning of this process. As soon as the chicks appear in the eggs, we immediately put them under an infrared lamp. Then, once there are 2 eggs left under the chicken, you’ll need total darkness to get all the kids back. Only in this situation will the hen behave calmly and take all the eggs back.

The moment you return the chicks to the mother, you can go for a trick. For example, turkeys usually have a few of their eggs-about 5 pieces. You can buy turkeys, chickens, or ducklings and plant them too. Turkey is a very good mother, she will take care of them and raise them all.

What to feed such small ducklings? In my opinion, this should be the starting feed. At the beginning of the breeding of chicks, there can be no question of any cereals, wheat and grass. The main factor affecting the health and development of poultry is proper feeding from the first days.

From the moment of hatching, there should be a drinking bowl with clean water and a feeder with starting feed next to the ducklings. What is good when chickens grow up with their mother – she immediately teaches them the basics of life: shows how to drink water and how to peck food. She pulls them out of hiding and returns in time.

I hope that my advice will help you.

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