- 1 pair: Allium christophii — Allium schubertii;
- 2 pair: Nectaroscordum siculum, syn. Allium siculum — Allium lenkoranicum;
- 3 pair: Fritillaria meleagris-Fritillaria acmopetala;
- 4 pair: byzantine Gladiolus — Gladiolus cultivar ‘Atom’;
- 5 pair: iris variety ‘Harmony — – iris variety ‘George’;
- 6 pair: Muscari armeniacum variety ‘Heavenly Blue’ – Muscari comosum’ Plumosum’, syn. ‘Monstrosum’;
- 7 pair: Scilla siberica-Scilla Peruvian;
- 8 pair: Tulip cultivar ‘Ballerina’Tulip cultivar ‘Monte Flame’;
- 9 pair: Narcissus cultivar ‘White Lady’ is a daffodil variety ‘Rip van Winkle’;
- 10 pair: hyacinth grade ‘Peter Stuyvestant’ – hyacinth grade ‘City of Haarlem’;
Today we begin a series of short reviews of bulbous, and the first article is devoted to the usual and unusual beauty of “relatives”. Before you will appear 10 pairs.
Of course, beauty — the concept of subjective, so that you can appreciate its different forms, plants are grouped in pairs — in the usual and unusual appearance.
1 pair: Allium christophii — Allium schubertii
Decorative bows have always attracted our attention. Their spectacular bloom luxuriously in rockeries, perennial borders, the foreground flowers.
The usual beauty of Allium christophii lies in umbellate inflorescences up to 20 cm in diameter, carrying up to 50 pink-purple small stellate flowers blooming in summer.
The unusual beauty of Allium schubertii consists in a fascinating enchanting flowering. Its umbellate inflorescences are larger (up to 30 cm in diameter) than those of Allium christophii, lilac flowers.
2 pair: Nectaroscordum siculum, syn. Allium siculum — Allium lenkoranicum
This adorable couple even ordinary beauty is like the exotic, so it is no coincidence onion Sicilian is a separate kind of nectaroscordum!
The usual beauty of Nectaroscordum siculum, syn. Allium siculum is represented by umbellate inflorescences with 10-30 drooping bell-shaped flowers 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter, pink or red, with a green base, blooming in summer.
The unusual charm of Allium lenkoranicum-endemic to the Talysh mountains-lies in the interesting umbrellas collected from flowers (whitish, with a thin purple vein) on pedicels of different lengths.
3 pair: Fritillaria meleagris-Fritillaria acmopetala
Despite the fact that delicious Fritillaria-one of the most common flower plants in our cottages, they can give surprises.
The usual beauty of Fritillaria meleagris is in the amazing spotted flowers: the pattern of the perianth resembles a multi-colored chess Board in miniature.
The unusual beauty of Fritillaria acmopetala is hidden in charming drooping bell-shaped flowers up to 4 cm long; greenish stripes can alternate with dark purple.
4 pair: byzantine Gladiolus — Gladiolus cultivar ‘Atom’
The wealth of Gladiolus never ceases to amaze and delight everyone who loves these flowers. In a couple of today put the kind and variety, each of which is good in its own way.
The usual beauty of Gladiolus byzantine is perhaps more elegant than that of the partner: the white stroke on the petals is his “business card”.
The unusual beauty of Gladiolus cultivar ‘Atom’ not only in the interesting shape of the flowers and a luxury red in color, but thin white edging of each petal.
5 pair: iris variety ‘Harmony — – iris variety ‘George’
It is a miniature iridodictyum, or Iris reticulata, whose height only 10-12 cm.
Ordinary beauty Iris reticulata cultivar ‘Harmony’ — in the flowers the color Indigo, but the second variety — ‘George’ — a characteristic intense purple color of the petals.
6 pair: Muscari armeniacum variety ‘Heavenly Blue’ – Muscari comosum’ Plumosum’, syn. ‘Monstrosum’
And among the Muscari we found classic and exotic beauty.
The usual cold beauty Muscari armeniacum grade ‘Heavenly Blue’ — in the elegant color of the petals-sky blue, with white teeth on the edge.
Unusual beauty of Muscari comosum ‘Plumosum’, syn. ‘Monstrosum’ is enclosed in fluffy inflorescences (strikingly similar to the inflorescence scum in miniature), consisting entirely of purple sterile flowers.
7 pair: Scilla siberica-Scilla Peruvian
Great couple-amazingly different Scilla!
The usual spring beauty of Scilla siberica, perhaps, is familiar to everyone. It appears before us in a cold blue range of small flowers collected in racemes, exuding a subtle honey aroma.
The unusual beauty of Scilla peruviana resembles a blooming agapanthus in miniature. The original inflorescence (conical brush, which collected from 50 to 100 star flowers, blooming in early summer) will confuse even a specialist, and he was surprised to cry out: “Is it — Scilla?»
8 pair: Tulip cultivar ‘Ballerina’Tulip cultivar ‘Monte Flame’
You can make more than a dozen of such interesting pairs! Before you-two varieties of tulips.
Usual, but such a touching and sweet beauty of the Tulip grade ‘Ballerina’.
Unusual beauty varieties ‘Monte Flame’ – in a large (diameter 12-13 cm) double flower motley yellow-orange color. For its resemblance to a peony like tulips (including ‘Monte Flame’) called peony.
9 pair: Narcissus cultivar ‘White Lady’ is a daffodil variety ‘Rip van Winkle’
Not left without our attention and daffodils, the beauty of which is so diverse that it was difficult to select only two candidates in a couple, leaving many worthy beyond our review.
The usual Narcissus grade ‘White Lady’ will not touch the hearts of those professionals and Amateur gardeners who are quite reserved about this flower culture.
The unusual beauty of the elegant Narcissus grade ‘Rip van Winkle’, like a dandelion medicinal, lies precisely in the miniature and Terry. It is already appreciated by many vacationers: if ‘Rip van Winkle’ is not yet flaunted in their rockeries or flower garden, it is certainly included in the list of priority purchases for the garden. Narcissus grade ‘Rip van Winkle’ – a godsend for real aesthetes who appreciate refined elegance.
10 pair: hyacinth grade ‘Peter Stuyvestant’ – hyacinth grade ‘City of Haarlem’
The luxury of this pair of hyacinths-is not the limit of perfect beauty in the vast world of flowers, but only the desire for perfection.
The usual hyacinth grade ‘Peter Stuyvesant’ in a magical purple color, shrouded in a halo of beautiful spring flavor — the very perfection.
Quite common in our lives have become hyacinths blue, blue, purple, pink, crimson, white colors. Really unusual hyacinth variety ‘City of Haarlem’ with yellow inflorescences.
And what are the usual and unusual bulbs grow in your country?
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