If the winter is severe, frosts affect not only people but also plants. Some of the inhabitants of the garden and vegetable garden adapted to the harsh cold: strawberries pressed to the ground, and even the shallow snow it somehow be able to cover, especially if the plantation is located in a place where the snowdrifts outlines. Apples and pears used to rise above the ground, and in the winter go.
And raspberries can not winter without snow, flower buds freeze.
Current frosts at any “spreading” branches will destroy raspberries, because there was no snow today, only recently in some regions it fell, but it’s too late to protect or save it. We have to admit that raspberries are not the last in the list of open ground crops, which in winter are very difficult. She’s the first candidate to drop out of the garden plant community.
Crimson suffering in late autumn
Our favorite hurt without snow, because not only flower buds freeze, there are wounds on the stems. For example, tissue, covering cambium, can sometimes crack the entire length of the stem: then suffers not only cambium, but also the kidneys – they remain green, but dry.
Here, look at the photo: it seems to be visible green part of the stem, but it is dry.
Such a disaster befall if the early autumn rain, wet snow sculpts, and even the frost will attend. Let is not strong, up to twenty degrees, but cold enough for raspberries has experienced a strong stress and desiccation – with the change of weather, during the thaw, when the frost and winds.
How to help
In some regions, this weather situation is rare, in others-regularly: it is necessary to see how often such a disaster occurs. If constantly, it is necessary to change the place of raspberry. If this option happened once, in the spring is definitely remove all the shoots, even if their lower part remained alive: because the roots also suffered, and they need to feed the Bush, create new shoots. Is it worth overexerting the plant so that it feeds the old stems, so that a handful of berries for the child’s palm is collected? Let forces will be spent for renewal of a Bush.
Crimson suffering in late autumn and winter
This is exactly the situation this year: there are frosts, there were and will be more, and there is no snow or very little – raspberry freezes.
Determine the freezing can be on the following grounds: the bark is brown, longitudinal fracture of the stem is dirty gray, with greenish dust, the kidneys also became brown or black. If there is little or no snow at all, it looks like the whole stem, if the snow is a little poured, most likely, will suffer only that part of the escape, which was over the snow.
How to help
If he killed the whole stalk, it is hoped that the roots have survived, because to cut the entire brown part of the shoots to live kidney.
It is already clear that the color of the shoots is different.
Crimson sufferings in the rainy fall
If the autumn is long, warm, rainy, the raspberries continue to grow, and the tops of the shoots (sometimes twenty cm long) do not ripen. And then the cold begins abruptly, shoots die, and winter frosts just completes the autumn cold.
In the spring it will be seen that the tops were killed – they need to be cut to living tissue and viable kidneys. If the problem was a one-time, it is no longer necessary to feed so that the growth went to the end of the heat, in the winter you need to bend the stems more tightly to the ground, snow to fall asleep.
A milder version of this situation is the freezing of the kidneys.
Crimson sufferings of the little snow-covered winter
If there is little snow, freeze out those parts of the stems that are above the snow level. It happens in the middle of winter when frosts come, when the weather is changeable, and even the wind is strong and dry.
How to help
Here you can recommend pruning to living kidney, right bending and cover with snow.
Crimson sufferings in February and March
This is the time of formation of lent, when the days become longer, the snow is low, the sun is bright, frost. Then on the stems at the level of snow or lent freezes a small area, it rings the stem. The crust leads to overheating of the area close to it, and a little later, when it starts to get cold, the frost freezes the overheated part, and what is above this area remains alive.
Spring ringed escape behaves as if nothing terrible happened in the winter: buds develop, there are flowers, even berries can be tied, and sometimes begin to sing! And then something happens to the Bush: the part that is above the frostbitten ring, completely dries up.
How to help
Cut to a living kidney, then you can get a very modest harvest – children eat. It happens that the frosts are not strong, because only the flower points freeze out in those places of the stem that protrude above the snow, and the stem itself remains alive.
Crimson suffering under a deep layer of snow
Like would much the thickness of the snow cover always must be blissful for raspberry, but this is not so. If the snow is deep, and the thaw came powerful, the snow settles under it accumulates melt water. In this case, the shoots will not freeze out.
Looks stem: the tissue covering the escape, in the lower part cracked, exfoliate, exfoliate.
Raspberries, like other plants, have basic buds. If they died, you can begin to develop buds for more. In this case, you need regular care.
How to help
First, even if the site seems perfectly flat, it is always a place of natural or artificial decline, which accumulates melt water – there is nothing to do raspberry. Second: if you provide air access to the lower part of the stems, because it is necessary to destroy the integrity of the snowdrifts, pierce with sticks or crowbars.
Crimson sufferings in early spring
Sometimes the winter was favorable, and the snow began to melt in time, but spring frosts came and… Sometimes the temperature can drop to almost -20°C, but sometimes -10°C is enough to freeze the kidneys, bark. If you have already managed to grow replacement shoots, and they suffer pretty badly: you can fade the top, green frosting and flaking bark, the wood is changing.
How to help
There’s only one way to cut it to healthy tissue.
Remember that the cottagers in the cold and rain and whatever can sit at home in warmth and comfort, and raspberries available. Therefore, it should take care of the gardener: to create the necessary conditions under which plants can survive the cold season.
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