Everyone knows that plants are best watered with rainwater. But it’s not always a container for collecting valuable moisture that adds beauty to the site. But this “trouble” is easy to help!
Surely there is not a single cottage in the open spaces where rainwater is not collected. Under the drain they put what anyone has — barrels, buckets, cans, old baths, basins. Often improvised tanks do not look the best: some have scratches or dents, others have chipped enamel, others are touched with rust. Yes, it’s not very pleasant to the eye, but their two evils are usually chosen less: either use what they have, or stay without water at all.
However, the situation is not as hopeless as it may seem! Unsightly containers can either be turned into cute ones, or hidden. See how this can be done using the example of barrels.
Interesting? Wait, or else it will be — we have some absolutely amazing diverse ideas in stock, let’s see everything soon!
Paints to help us
Apparently, the current summer resident cannot do without paints: they were useful to us for creating original markers, helped us magically transform ordinary flower pots, and now they will help out. It will not be difficult to paint a barrel, and you can draw either by hand, or print out a suitable stencil and use it.
To depict flowers is a great idea! They will delight the eye in early spring, when the primroses have not yet appeared from under the snow, and in late autumn, when the garden is already gray and dull. Feel free to take up the brush and give free rein to your imagination. You don’t risk anything: if you don’t like it, paint it over and draw it again!
The main thing in the decor is to focus on personal perception. For example, I am delighted with the light green barrels with gorgeous butterflies. And the girls liked the beauty with a blooming meadow and light clouds in the blue sky more. Therefore, follow only your preferences: you like the end result — wonderful! The neighbors are not happy — these are their problems, you do not have to adapt to the tastes of others.
If you want the barrel not to be thrown into the gas, use a clever trick — for the decor, pick up the colors to match the surrounding interior.
Well, or you can do exactly the opposite: turn a rainwater tank into a catchy art object. There are enough worthy examples on the Web, there is something to take as a basis for your own creation. Pay attention to the photo on the right: the owner obviously liked decorating the barrel so much that he continued painting on the stand — expanded clay blocks. The latter obviously did not mind, and it turned out very original!
For those who are not sure about their artistic skills, there are alternative options: for example, disguise the barrel as a ladybug or paste over the lids, which are then painted in the desired colors. And it’s easy to do, and it looks pretty cute.
What if I hide it?
If the idea of paints has not found a response in your soul, do not rush to leave, we will hide the barrels! For example, behind decorative grilles. Simple or refined — as you like.
Where high wings are out of place, you can build a low screen or even a cabinet for the container. The products look airy and exquisite, and it will take a little time and material to create them.
It’s great if there is an opportunity to use beautiful openwork canvases for the arrangement of the screen — admiring the exquisite patterns, no one will see the barrel behind it. However, the simplest braid with a vine looks no worse, besides it will cost nothing! Another budget option is to hide the barrel behind a screen of climbing plants.
Looking at the gorgeous black grille and mentally calculating how much something like this will cost (in the form of materials, of course).
Since we are talking about improvised materials, I will show you some more inspiring examples. True, some of them are designed to hide garbage containers, but who will stop us from using them at our discretion?
By the way, pallets, lanterns and hanging planters with flowers are very popular — there are many different options. What can not be said about the gabions: it was difficult to find a single idea.
Well, if you like simple strict forms — pay attention to these modest products. If desired, you can even attach a lid to the box so that dust and debris do not get into the water.
Don’t like the mailbox? No problem, there is a more elegant and simple solution: line the barrel with wooden slats! Here are some inspiring ideas to choose from.
If you prefer a casing with a lid, here is a nice example of execution. If you want to protect wood with paint, take a closer look at these charming ideas. I liked the lining with slats, especially resembling a fence — so cute!
Some products will require more skill and time, but they are much stronger and look more solid, so it’s worth trying.
And for a snack — an idea for a true summer resident. Original, spectacular, easily doable, budget — a dream! I won’t even say anything — everything is clear here without words.
Bravo to the author, he has no imagination! We can quite outdo the inventive summer resident: to create a composition in the same style — to dress a barrel and break a flower bed on the wall — what is not a cool solution?!
On this positive note, I will conclude our brief review and, of course, I will ask: did you like any idea? Or does your barrel already look one hundred percent?
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