8. Draughts
Saintpaulia does not tolerate drafts — this is another reason to refuse to bloom. In the summer months, an open window will not cause her much inconvenience, but in the cold season, Saint-Paulie will not forgive such barbarity — by the way, just like the air conditioner that works in summer, which blows cold air streams over her.
What to do?
Settle Senpolia in a quiet secluded place where there are no drafts. If all you can offer her is a window sill located near the air conditioner, during the operation of the device, protect the plant from the flow of cold air with a thick curtain. Opening the window in autumn or winter, you will either have to remove the violet away from the window every time, or be content with a bare rosette with cold-damaged leaves.
9. Diseases and pests
If the immunity of your senpolia is weakened by a disease or pest, do not expect a lush flowering. This culture can be affected by various ailments — root, stem, brown and gray rot, fusarium, rust, powdery mildew, etc. Do not sleep and enemies-mealybug, aphids, thrips, mites, whitefly, etc.
What to do?
Carefully examine the violet: are there any suspicious spots, sores, or plaque on the leaves and petioles? Determine the disease according to the reference book and take action-treat with a solution of a suitable fungicide or insecticide according to the instructions.
Keep in mind that faded, mottled or drying violet foliage is not always a sign of the disease. Often such a nuisance is provoked by errors in care — drafts, contact of leaves with cold glass or water, uncomfortable temperature and humidity, etc.
10. Injuries
Senpolia should be treated like a crystal vase: it does not tolerate mechanical damage. damage can be caused by a poor-quality pot with notches on the sides, scratching juicy foliage, leprosy of children and pets, careless care. Accidentally dropped a bowl of violets and damaged the outlet? This is a reason for a strong offense on her part — she will cease to please with flowers and turn into a dirty girl with several tops.
What to do?
Do not allow carelessness in relation to the violet, all procedures are carried out as carefully as possible, so as not to damage the delicate tissues of the plant. If the violet refuses to recover after an injury, cut off a healthy leaf from it, root and grow a new green pet.
11. Unwanted neighbors
Rooted in a pot, the stalk gives several children, who, with the permission of an inexperienced owner, continue to live together. overgrown rosettes huddle in a tight container and completely forget about flowering. they are busy with only one thing-trying to capture some of the moisture and nutrition for themselves.
What to do?
Remember: only 1 plant should grow in 1 pot. Be sure to seat the children formed at the mother leaf, but not before they get 2-3 pairs of leaves. If the bowl contains several overgrown rosettes, plant them anyway: better late than never. if the plants are very depressed, find a healthy leaf among the thickets, root it — and start all over again, but already according to the rules.
12. Old leaves-vampires
High decorative senpolia give young, healthy leaves with elastic plates on short petioles. old leaves, located at the bottom of the rosette and well distinguishable by their faded color, only delay the forces of the plant, not allowing them to be directed to the formation of flower stalks — from such vampires only harm.
What to do?
Periodically break out old leaves, this procedure stimulates flowering. Grasp the base of the petiole with two fingers and gently pull it aside or cut off the leaf with a sharp knife. An important caveat: after the procedure, no hemp should remain on the stem of the plant.
13. Gluttonous stepchildren
Some varieties of violets are surprisingly prolific. they regularly form young stepchildren, who soon begin to oppress the uterus, taking away its moisture and nutrition. It is not surprising that the emaciated “mother” does not have enough strength to bloom. Stimulate the appearance of new sockets transplant, overfed nitrogen, too large containers, trauma and even pests-the dying plant tends to leave offspring.
What to do?
Eliminate all the reasons that cause the irrepressible productivity of your violets (if this is not a feature of the variety), and do not forget to expel young invaders from the pot. Wait until the stepson grows up to 1 cm, and remove it with tweezers or nail scissors. Overgrown stepsons cut at the base with a sharp knife.
14. Untimely transfer
Senpolia is very offended by the late transfer. Depleted and saline soil is highly compacted and undermines the health of the plant. What a bloom! some growers, on the contrary, too often move violets from bowl to bowl, forcing them to spend their energy only on one thing-restoring the damaged root system.
What to do?
If your senpolia has stopped blooming, quickly transplant it into fresh soil. You can leave the bowl the same if it fits the size. In the future, 1 time a year (in the spring or in the break between flowering), replace the soil, and if necessary, the pot itself.
15. Advanced age
If violets older than 4 years live in your house, do not be surprised why they do not bloom: old women lose their craving for preening and stop producing inflorescences. Senpolia of venerable age is given out by a bare stem at the base of the rosette: it loses vegetation as the old unproductive leaves die off (or are removed).
What to do?
In a stunted senpolia-old woman, you can breathe a second life:
- sprinkle the bare part of the stem with fresh soil;
- with a sharp knife, cut the stem, retreating from the lower leaves 1.5-2 cm, root the rosette in a glass of water and plant it in a pot with a fresh substrate;
- take a healthy leaf stalk from it and get a new viable plant.
Work on the errors and eliminate the reasons why your senpolia refuses to bloom, and after a while the plant will come to life and please with bright colors. But if you know of other factors that force African violets to hide your beauty, tell us about them in the comments.
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