3 Common Myth About the Seeds that Exist Among Gardeners

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Each summer resident spares no time and effort to gather a decent harvest from their beds. Carefully preparing the ground in the fall, runs its fertilizers; sowing time, fights weeds, not letting them drown out the young shoots. Watering, feeding, protecting tomatoes or peppers from pests and diseases. And the weather is favorable: the heat and rain-just in moderation. And the plants are still weak, there are almost no flowers, ovaries fall – about the harvest (especially worthy) and do not have to dream. What is it?

If we consider the above, the conclusion suggests itself – all the fault of substandard seeds. In such an unpleasant situation can get and gardeners, beginners, and summer residents with experience, if they believe in… myths about seeds. It is not known who and why creates and distributes them, but these myths are there, and you are probably familiar with them.

Myth # 1. Seeds should be zoned

One of the most malicious myths, deeply entrenched in the creation of gardeners. It is a barrier on the way to grow cherished varieties. How many times gardeners refused the vending of seeds for one reason only- the variety is recommended for cultivation in their area. To the honor of competent gardeners, it should be noted that they did not go on about groundless allegations, but decided to find the truth in the simplest and most effective way – to check in practice. Naturally, the myth of zoning was immediately dispelled.

Sturdy plants-parents give good seed – good seed. Which, in turn, grow strong, hardy, abundantly bear fruit in both the southern and Northern regions. Just for growing in the latter, you need to choose ultra-early and early varieties and hybrids (for open ground), and in greenhouses you can grow everything. Personal experience is the best proof.

And, of course, for the first attempt it is desirable to choose a good seed.

Myth # 2. The higher the price, the better the quality

I think, thousands of summer residents on personal experience were convinced of the fallacy of this statement. The total cost of a bag of seeds consists of many components, and the price of the seeds themselves is not the main value. The market of producers and sellers of seeds is constantly growing, and in the struggle for “their” buyer in the course are all means. Obsessive advertising from all sides insistently inspires: “Allow yourself the best!”You deserve!”, “Decide!”, gradually calling on a merchant scale to buy only the most expensive. The implication is that if you do not buy, you will never know the taste of real life, freedom, tomato, cucumber and so on. We must admit that some acts: the stereotype of” high price – quality assurance ” forces ordinary summer residents with average incomes to buy the simplest seeds well, right at exorbitant prices.

Well, how not to be tempted by tempting inscriptions on the coveted bag: “elite”, “limited edition”, “absolutely immune to diseases” and the like? Here even the most persistent can succumb to temptation and say: “Yes, can not I afford to buy worth the seeds at least once in my life?!”. Buy, and then vainly trying to see the plants any sign of the promised elite. Of course, solid firms will not go for such tricks: they value a good name, years of earned reputation and regular customers. Just in order to attract even more buyers, they create an economy option line: they pack the seeds in black and white bags.

But one-day firms, specially created for the implementation of the purchased batch of seeds, do not shun anything.

Myth # 3. The best seeds-own collection

Let me disagree! Seed production is a science, and it does not tolerate approximation.

See how many factors affect the quality of seeds:

  • collection period. It is important literally every day: the seeds collected before the due time have not yet matured, have not gained full strength, have not stored enough nutrients. The percentage of germination and the energy of germination of such seeds will be much lower than normal, which, of course, is not the best way to affect the development of plants and the number of fruits. If the seeds overripe-too bad: it is likely that they do not ascend.
  • features of the care of the mother plants. Here too there are no trifles: for years of practice norms and terms of watering, fertilizer application are verified. For example, the quality of seeds is not the best way to affect the excess nitrogen, lack of phosphorus and potassium.
  • do not underestimate the importance of proper preparation and creation of optimal conditions for seed storage.

And now, in all honesty, tell-whether in power to observe these requirements to the ordinary summer resident? The answer is obvious. Of course, both purchased and professionally grown seeds will yield a harvest, but the comparison in quantity, varietal and taste qualities will definitely be in favor of the latter.

Not far off another planting season. But now the choice of seeds will not be limited to fictional prohibitions. Myths are dispelled, criteria of qualitative seeds are sounded. Decision for you.

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