Allergy is one of the main medical problems of the XXI century. None of us is immune from this difficult to treat, and in some cases life-threatening pathology. Knowledge of the basic facts about allergies can not only help the person to cope with the disease, but one day to save someone’s life.
Fact one: the cause of Allergy is not always dust or pollen
Many people, when they hear about allergies, unwittingly associate it with exposure to dust or pollen. But these are not the only reasons for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. As doctors note, Allergy is an excessively sharp reaction of immunity to any stimulus, in the role of which anything can act — starting from the well-known dust and ending with simple tap water (to be more precise, the reaction, of course, is not the water itself, but the impurities contained in it).
The list of stimuli is very extensive. Patients can respond to:
- pet hair;
- pollen;
- fungal and mold spores;
- the venom of some insects (e.g., bees);
- food (most often citrus, eggs, seafood and others);
- ordinary house dust;
- household chemicals;
- other substance.
The list is endless, and it is sometimes difficult to identify the source of the problems on your own. To determine what exactly the immune system responds with an overreaction, it is recommended to consult a doctor for an Allergy test.
And to properly assess the degree of risk, it should also be understood that the occurrence and development of the disease is associated not only with the action of the stimulus, but also with genetic predisposition. It is noted that if none of the parents suffers from allergies, its symptoms appear only in 10-20% of children, and if at least one parent is allergic in the family, the risk of hyperreactivity of the immune system in the child increases immediately to 50-60%.
Fact two: allergies can be difficult to distinguish from colds
At first glance, it may seem that to distinguish a cold from allergies is very simple. In fact, everything can be more difficult, especially if you need to find differences in a small child. To Orient and choose the right treatment plan, it is recommended to first remember what preceded the appearance of symptoms.
You should also pay attention directly to the symptoms themselves:
- the character of the secretions from the nose: if allergies highlight the rich, often transparent, accompanied by sneezing and itching in the nose, but during colds the allocation of abundant gradually become scarce, the colour changes from clear to yellowish or greenish;
- increased body temperature: allergies, unlike colds, are not characterized by changes in temperature;
- duration of symptoms: the cold rarely lasts more than a week, the Allergy can continue until contact with the allergen is eliminated;
- the presence of pain in the throat: with allergies, tickling and pain is an exception rather than the rule, but with a cold, the patient usually complains of these symptoms;
- the condition of the lymph nodes: in Allergy, the lymph nodes do not increase in size, but with a cold, it is possible to feel them under the skin;
- skin reactions: in Allergy, a person can complain of itching, redness, rash, with a cold, skin reactions are mostly completely absent or limited to minor irritations.
It is important to remember that to conduct a full diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment can only be a doctor. If it comes to the child, and parents have doubts, cold or Allergy, it is better not to self-medicate, and immediately contact a pediatrician.
Fact the third: first aid kit for allergies can save lives
If you or someone in your family suffers from allergies, you should not treat lightly the advice of a doctor to keep on hand a first aid kit for allergies. To neglect this security measure is fundamentally wrong! A set of specially selected drugs in the case of a severe acute attack can save a person’s life. The composition of this kit is recommended to include:
- Antihistamine drug
Antihistamines will help to get rid of Allergy symptoms. These drugs are mainly offered in the form of tablets, but are also available as syrups for children. Medicines are available both on the free market and by prescription.
- Bronchodilators
Often Allergy is combined with bronchial asthma, and an attack of one disease can provoke an exacerbation of another. People asthma is choking, experiencing nervousness can make a full inhale or exhale. Eliminate the symptoms will help bronchodilator drugs.
- Injectable adrenaline
Allergy in severe form threatens the development of anaphylactic shock. This is a life-threatening condition, and if the patient is prone to severe allergic reactions, injectable adrenaline will not be superfluous in the home medicine Cabinet.
- Symptomatic AIDS
This group includes nose drops, eye drops, creams and ointments with antihistamine activity. Medications will help to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms accompanying an allergic reaction: runny nose and sneezing, watery eyes, itching.
Naturally, in the first-aid kit Allergy is also recommended to keep drugs for regular use, which will not just remove the attack, but also prevent its development. But such drugs should be chosen by a doctor. And do not forget: if you are prone to allergic reactions, the necessary set of drugs should be not only at home but also in the country.
Fact four: severe allergic reaction requires immediate medical attention
It’s really very serious. Manifestations of allergies are not always limited to redness or sneezing. Reaction to the action of the stimulus in some cases can be anaphylactic shock — an acute condition that requires immediate medical attention.
The victim is reduced blood pressure, a feeling of burning or heat in the chest, edema Quincke, hindering the full breathing and talking, disturbed consciousness. You can stop this condition only in the intensive care unit! Attempts to do without calling a doctor can lead to the death of the patient.
Fact five: you can resist allergies!
Allergy is a very common disease in the modern world, so everyone should know what to do when its symptoms appear. A person suffering from allergies can live a full life. Importantly, he was aware of the hazards and ways to protect yourself. Well also, if these knowledge possess close people.
In the case of a mild allergic reaction, it is enough to limit the intake of antihistamines. If an allergen is known, it is desirable to find an opportunity to interrupt contact with it. To remove the unpleasant manifestations of the disease (itching, runny nose, nasal congestion) will help symptomatic drugs.
If a severe allergic reaction has developed or the symptoms of a mild Allergy are aggravated, despite the use of antihistamines, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Delay in this case is a threat to human life and health!
Knowledge of the sources of danger and the ability to prevent contact with them – the basics of combating allergies. About the different types of this disease, the causes that cause it, and methods of getting rid of the disease, we will discuss in more detail in the following articles.
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