Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, and his garden. Therefore, continuing to consider the summer catalog, we will pay attention to the products offered to maintain the beauty of both the garden and our own.
Our life is like a mosaic-it consists of many small parts that fit perfectly together. And without every even minor element, the picture will be incomplete. But we often deny ourselves small things, saving money, time and effort for something that we think is more important.
Country cosmetics bag
What does a beautiful garden have in common with a beautiful woman? They are United by the fact that the basis of beauty is not a fashionable dress or exotic chic flowers, but grooming.
Many summer residents come to the summer cottage for the weekend. And on weekdays, they are again waiting for work, and they should look their best. To romp in the garden did not spoil the skin, the sun turned the face into a baked potato, and sandals were not ashamed to wear, collect country before you travel make-up bag, looking in the sections “Cosmetics and hygiene” and “health and Beauty” store catalog.
Am I the most beautiful?
Cottage life is beautiful: “the sun, air and water are our best friends”. But the summer sun, wind, and water can play an unpleasant trick on us. This is especially true for owners of thin skin with a tendency to dryness. In the Department “Cosmetics and hygiene” stores a lot of products to protect and maintain the health of the skin and decollete area. For example, products containing a recently popular cosmetic component-hyaluronic acid.
If you go to the cosmetics Department, pay attention to the Detox facial foam (with activated carbon, salicylic acid or snail secretion extract-to choose from), two-phase tanning Oil and other products.
Reach your hands
Cosmetologists say that hands primarily give away the age of a woman. A garden chores easily and imperceptibly (I will correct a rose in passing here, and here-I will pull out a weed, well, what if without gloves – I quickly… Familiar situation?) they can turn our handles into dry and cracked rakes.
Among the hand skin care products in the assortment, a cream with a simple at first glance professional Cream after milking attracts attention.
And do not wrinkle your nose (this is for cows!): cheap udder cream is recommended to their subscribers by advanced beauty bloggers. And all because it really eliminates dryness and microcracks. Reviews of the cream by those who use it not for its intended purpose, but for dry and cracked skin of hands and other parts of the body of people, are the most positive.
To make your hair grow and please
– You have great hair!”
“I grow them myself, thank you.”
From the TV series “Friends”
Summer is a big load on the hair: the sun burns them, the wind ruffles them, and the water that dries after bathing also takes away moisture from the hair structure. The cottager, like no other, understands that plants without care and additional nutrition will grow, but much less effectively. The same can be said about hair: it will grow,but will it please?
Proven by many women to prevent hair loss – burdock oil. There is a hair product in the catalog. When used, it does not require washing off, nourishes and strengthens the hair roots, increasing their growth. You can easily restore beauty and health to your hair.
Restore hair after “rest” will help and a series of hair masks: restoring (for damaged hair and split ends), nourishing (for dry and weakened) and intensive recovery (for colored).
So that summer vacation does not harm
Is the cottager’s pose your favorite? Then welcome to the society of owners of sciatica, sciatica or lumbago. Of course, with injuries to the back or other parts of the body, you should first think about visiting a doctor – insufficient attention to the injury or improper self-treatment can only make it worse.
But a warming balm with snake venom to buy for a country first-aid kit is worth it. The effect of the balm is not strong – the heating effect is light, without a burning sensation – just the thing for minor injuries that are frequent in the cottager: the back after digging does not straighten, then the muscles were pierced (the sun warmed, the wind blew).
In addition to the cosmetics and hygiene products described above, the store can also collect a complete set for a trip to the country: soap, shampoo, paper handkerchiefs, sponge for washing, nail file and grater for heels, wet wipes, as well as sunscreen, foot cream and many other hygiene products for care, and even first aid for minor injuries (wound healing balms, chlorhexidine, plaster). As well as the cosmetic bag itself for placing self-care products.
Garden decor
About the style of minimalism in the decor from year to year, fashion interior publications write that it is “gaining popularity”. Most of us read this, sincerely admire the purity of lines, the beauty of simplicity in the photo, and … put a fashion magazine aside to go to the store and collect a bunch of all sorts of beautiful things.
A range of products for garden decor will please those who believe that minimalism is good only on glossy photos.
Fencing for flower beds
Why does a flower bed need a fence? To make it easier for a husband armed with a trimmer. Putting a decorative fence is much easier than explaining to your spouse how to distinguish flowers from “the same, with leaves”, but uncultured thickets.
In the catalog of products there is a whole set of fences for flower beds made of plastic-for every taste: from simple low green fences to copies that compete with the colors in the flower bed with their brightness.
Lighting – both decorative and functional-is an important element of environmental design. And landscape, too. And modern technologies-the use of solar panels and LEDs-have simplified its creation as much as possible. Pick up garden lights in the store that match your own taste and style of design of the site, and place them in the desired areas of the garden, just sticking the point in the ground.
If you don’t like it, you can always change it by simply moving the lamps to other places: no wires or electricians!
Small stylish feature
In a beautiful garden, “everything should be fine”. And a little carelessness can ruin the whole impression. For example, the “ugly” string used for the garter of a beautiful rose.
Buy funny flexible fixers in the form of lizard and frog figures to tie up plants quickly, simply and beautifully.
Container gardening
If the plot is small, every inch is expensive. Many plants grow well in pots, and having a container garden, you can make room for those who will be cramped in pots. And for those who are not constrained by a small area, flower pots and planters will open up additional opportunities, because the planters with a pile of colorful petunias or a cascade of Lobelia can be hung anywhere – from the fence to the greenhouse.
Pay attention to the pots in pastel colors with a relief pattern: the same shape but different, and at the same time “companionable” pattern, plus pleasant shades and different sizes will create a single ensemble without annoying uniformity. In the same color scheme, there are also pots of a different design – you can plan a stylish container garden, combining the pots by color.
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