White, sparkling snow roof, painted walls, warm light pouring through tiny Windows … Fabulous house under the elegant Christmas tree-beautiful, is not it?
Do you use Christmas houses in the festive decoration of your home? And what? Bake from the dough, make from paper or just buy a beautiful Christmas tree toy in the form of a small hut? Do you know where this tradition came from?
Some History
There is no clear answer to the question about the origin of the new year’s house. Perhaps the roots of this tradition go very deep into the past. It is known that in Ancient Rome, noble patricians were placed on the altar edible figures of houses, embodying the abodes of the gods. After some time people these figures ate and believed that in this way they connect with the gods. With the fall of the Roman Empire, the tradition was completely lost.
The tradition to put edible houses on the altar of the gods was lost with the fall of the Roman Empire
Centuries later, in the early NINETEENTH century in Germany was published by the brothers Grimm fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel”, the little heroes find themselves in a gingerbread-sugar house of the evil witch. The story is very loved by the Europeans, and gingerbread houses have since become the best-selling goods on the European Christmas markets.
Gingerbread houses are very popular in Europe
Also among Christians there is an opinion that baking before Christmas gingerbread house, believers as if bring it as a gift to the baby Jesus, who was born in the barn, away from home…
In the Christian tradition, gingerbread house is a symbolic gift to the baby Jesus
Whatever the origins and age of this tradition, it is still alive and very popular in many countries. From where do today Christmas houses! Let’s start with the most delicious stuff.
Whether it is a house or a gingerbread
To cook a real gingerbread house, you will need a considerable culinary experience.
Making gingerbread house requires a lot of culinary experience
Christmas masterpieces skillful chefs-chefs are dazzling. Stunning variety of shapes and colors, lace patterns and filigree technique. Admire the authentic masterpieces of gingerbread “architecture”.
Gingerbread houses can be real works of culinary art
Variants of gingerbread dough, as well as ideas of various structures from it, a great many. Article Gingerbread: ideas and recipes will help you find the one that will be to the taste of your guests and households.
And there are plenty to choose! “Architectural yummy” is flat…
Very simple gingerbread houses
… and volumetric:
Gingerbread house with multicolored roof
The house can be quite modest, devoid of jewelry…
Gingerbread house can be very modest and simple
… and maybe pastrami all the colors of the rainbow:
You can decorate a gingerbread house with colored frosting
Bake and tiny huts…
The little gingerbread hut
… and whole palaces – with intricate turrets, columns, fancy decor:
A skilled Baker can build a gingerbread house
How to use lovingly built and decorated gingerbread houses? And here there are options! Of course, the houses are able to decorate any Christmas table…
Gingerbread house — the perfect new year’s table decoration
… and as a Christmas tree toys look great.
A small gingerbread house can be hung on the Christmas tree
And a charming gingerbread house can be presented. However, it seems incredible that such a beautiful, even and very delicious gift that anyone will dare to eat.
Gingerbread house-a wonderful Christmas gift
Paper comes to the rescue
But what if cooking is not your element? It’s simple — make a Christmas house of paper.
Perfectly suitable for this purpose beautiful Christmas cards. And you do not even need the ability to draw — on the cards already have all the necessary characters.
Christmas houses from Christmas cards
If there are no suitable cards, take a simple white thick paper or cardboard. These materials will make excellent Christmas compositions-whole cities of new year houses.
Paper Christmas houses
Cardboard houses can be fixed on the wall-will be a great Christmas panels or advent calendar in an architectural style.
Cardboard Christmas houses on the wall
By the way, who said new year the house must be small? Take a larger sheet of cardboard, add cotton wool and glitter — and here in front of us a great home for Santa Claus and snow Maiden. Kids will love it!
Who said that the new year’s house should be small?
Needlewomen in favor
Do not like to mess with paper and glue, but beading and embroidery — your favorite hobby? That’s great! Ask someone to make for you the frame of the house, and the outer shell is decorated with beads and colorful patterns — get an exclusive Christmas tree toy.
Christmas house of beads
No less beautiful, although not requiring such painstaking work, houses can simply be sewn from thick fabric.
Houses of cloth
Tea ceremony
Love to drink tea? For a long winter evening — the most suitable occupation. And what kind of tea do you prefer — leaf or bagged? If in bags, get a tea house for storage of the packaged welding. Have you heard of such a necessary thing? It’s not a shame and in front of the guests at the celebratory table to put.
New year’s tea house
And why would the tea house not become a Christmas at the same time? With the help of decoupage to carry out such a metamorphosis is quite possible.
Christmas industry will help
If you do not have special talents or just do not have enough time, run on the eve of the new year’s shopping. In the form of Christmas houses make, for example, Christmas toys for every taste: and glass…
Christmas tree toy house
… and wooden…
Wooden house on the tree
and soft — a bright, festive patches…
Elegant houses of fabric
… and ceramic:
Christmas tree house
In the form of a house make original candlesticks. For a long time and I want to look like the Windows of this hut dancing flame of a candle…
House-candle holder
And can be, you like a candle-of cards? By the way, candles for the holiday table can be made with your own hands! Can be, not such fancy, and all -???…
Candle, too, can be in the form of cards
Yes what there to waste time on trifles — purchase a Christmas town!
New year’s town
Isn’t it time to take a walk?
All rooms are decorated-it’s time to breathe in the fresh air. If there are birdhouses hanging on the trees near your house or dacha, they can also turn into Christmas houses. Why not? Let these bird houses now and empty, festive look they did not hurt.
Birdhouses can also look elegant and festive
And the tree in the yard to hang as a mini-birdhouse. Here is another theory of the origin of the Christmas houses if they are close relatives with the birdhouses?
Or maybe the birdhouse is a relative of the Christmas house?
Well, since you decided to walk, blind Christmas hut of snow — it will serve you and your children until the spring!
From the snow, you can also build a Christmas house
No matter how many centuries there was a tradition to make Christmas houses, it remains relevant to this day, and small elegant huts continue to delight us and decorate the festive interior.
Gingerbread house
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