Reasonable economy is not stinginess, but a rational approach to household management. At least don’t go into the shops for summer residents: if not half, then a good third of the contents of the showcases would like to buy right away — what kind of cottage without a grill, pool and lawn mower? If the desire does not coincide with the possibilities, I suggest not to complain about the bitter fate, but to look at this useful selection. Interesting, unusual and very practical ideas of dacha craftsmen are on the agenda today.
Let’s start with one of the most pressing summer concerns — watering. Factory sprinklers, of course, look better, and they have more functions. But a homemade one is more reliable: the simpler the device, the longer it will work. And if it fails, it won’t take long to make a new one.
However, there are still some tricks to increase the irrigated area: you can attach a bottle to a pole, change the angle of inclination or the diameter of the holes, and even put a sprinkler on a mini-cart.
Trimmer on wheels
The right device: no matter how clever the designers are with the ergonomics of shoulder straps, it does not get easier for the back. Models with wheels solved this problem. But the home-made workers did not hit the dirt with their faces, and they did without motorcycle mowers at all. They attached a fishing line and a handle to the grinder, provided it with wheels, and only scraps of weeds flew through the back streets!
I advise you to take note of another useful device that will allow you to quickly mow not only young, but also mature grass.
Motor cultivator
There is an opportunity to buy — wonderful! No — don’t worry: just look at what wonderful cultivators you can make from a motorcycle mower!
Fruit picker
Harvesting alone is quite a laborious task, especially if the garden is large, and buying several fruit pickers will cost a tidy sum.
But you can always make it from improvised materials, and not one, but as many as you like — in case there are a lot of assistants.
And here are the devices for picking berries. I think it’s easier to make something like this than to drag a stepladder around the garden or engage in an unequal battle for ripe berries with gooseberries or blackberries.
After harvesting, it is logical to consider one of the options for harvesting it for the future — drying. Manufacturers offer many different models of dehydrators — from budget to expensive.
Homemade ones are rarely electric: firstly, many people like to dry herbs and fruits naturally, secondly, they are more economical, and thirdly, they are not tied to the power supply network.
And one more plus: you can make a design of any size with your own hands, and put exactly as many shelves as you need for your needs.
I would never have thought that not only meat can be cooked on the grill, but also soup!
Now it’s not a problem to buy a ready-made device: you can choose the right one both in price and in size. But it’s much more interesting to make it with your own hands!
One of the most accessible objects for alteration is metal barrels.
It’s hard to believe that these stunning models are made by hand. It is clear that not everyone can repeat this, but if possible, a chic grill will become the pride of the owner and the decoration of the cottage.
Garden oven
Some people just like to cook in the garden in the summer, and for those who have recently taken up the development of the site, this is still the only opportunity to cook hot. Factory furnaces are good, needless to say.
But homemade ones can also be pretty cute! Bricks (cinder blocks) and lattices are all that will be needed for their arrangement.
The following options are more complex in execution, but they have a significant plus — mobility.
The imagination of the masters of the furnace business knows no bounds: everything that is at hand is used.
We worked, had lunch, and you can lie down for a while. We will not go to the room — we will relax in the fresh air, in a hammock. We didn’t have time to buy by the summer — no problem, it’s not so difficult to make it. You say your back still hurts… Especially for you, an orthopedic version of the hammock is made from a pallet!
Swimming pool
In the summer heat, water treatments are not a luxury, but an urgent necessity. Therefore, it is still desirable to get a swimming pool. It is not necessary to buy, you can make it from budget materials.
All sorts of stuff
It is impossible to tell about all the homemade crafts that seemed interesting to me — even a few articles will not be enough for them. But I will still show you the most practical ideas!
A leaky hose and cable ties can be used to make a strong basket. And from one barrel you will get two cars — just have time to transport!
And we will not forget about beauty: we will sew ourselves beautiful hats, but not simple ones, but such that they cover the neck from the sun. Well, or at least upgrade your favorite cap.
Have you looked for something useful for yourself? Or maybe you have your own interesting products that are no worse than purchased ones? Tell us about your ideas!
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