Selection of Ornamental Plant Neighbors Helenium varieties are good in the group and mixborder — without them, perhaps, no autumn flower garden can do. Compact plants (‘Siesta’, ‘Short and Sassy’) are good in containers, they can decorate the summer kitchen, decorate the patio, where they can become a worthy addition […]
Principles Of Landscape Composition: Integrity, Hierarchy, Accents
You can see how you or your visitors experience different emotions from your garden, enthusiastically looking at the flowerbeds, compositions of colorful plants and trees. But the question is what exactly shapes our impression? Where do we start, determining whether it is good or bad? In this article, we have […]
Effective Microorganisms In The Garden: How to Use it?
The appearance of effective microbial preparations is not yesterday’s news. For those who don’t know yet, the letters EM stand for “Effective Microorganisms”. Back in the 1980s, advances in biotechnology led to the creation of a new direction in agriculture, which allows the use of beneficial microorganisms in agriculture, including […]
Overgrowth Of Seedlings: Causes And Solutions To The Problem
What does a novice gardener imagine when he first lays seeds on the ground? Of course, the harvest! Here he is already ripping ripe, warm tomatoes, picking tender cucumbers with prickly pimples, cutting a smooth, shiny eggplant! And what is the experienced gardener thinking about at the same time? Most […]