Bouquet Flower Garden Of Continuous Flowering

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“The old lady took Gerda to the flower garden. The girl’s eyes widened.
there were flowers of all sorts, of all seasons. What a beauty,
what a fragrance! There were no picture books in the world
more colorful, more beautiful than this flower garden. Gerda jumped for joy and played among the flowers…”

G. H. Andersen, “the snow Queen”

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always wanted a flower garden like this. And although I am not the “woman who could do magic” from Andersen’s fairy tale, I have fulfilled my dream.

Tell yourself frankly – have you never dreamed of such a garden? And not only you, but a whole army of gardeners who are deeply convinced that the perfect flower garden is a fireworks display of luxury of continuous flowering. My neighbor calls it “merchant”, and I – “bouquet”, because I can not compare it with anything other than a lush fragrant bouquet. In some ways, such a flower garden is “vulgar” and “primitive”, but bright and joyful, no doubt.

This is a lush mixborder made up of obscenely beautiful flowers combined in a composition full of permitted and forbidden garden excesses. He is sexy and sensual!

The bouquet flower garden is not intended for sophisticated aesthetes who can see beauty only in wild meadow thickets and in half-shrunken panicles of cereals, but for those who want to live a full-blooded life and enjoy the sun, heat, rain and everything that a short but long-awaited Northern summer can fully provide.

However, my categorical attitude is probably absurd, because the modern gardener is a universal in everything: in the ability to appreciate the beauty of any garden, and in the ability to create it. It is the same with flower beds – no one prevents us from creating compositions of different styles, even in a small garden. Of course, there will be problems with dividing the garden into zones that alienate one flower garden from another, but this is for the best – each of them will have a mini-garden with its own harmony and mood.

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