Devices for Convenient Watering of the Garden (Part 2)

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Country life is simply obliged to be easy and pleasant, and even the need for regular watering should not be a heavy burden on our shoulders. With the help of useful devices, each summer resident can greatly facilitate this process, you can believe me – tested in practice!

Watering can be fun

Spray gun

At least once taking a gun in his hands, you will realize that watering – the process is extremely exciting and not monotonous: depending on the selected mode, you can quickly water the tree, gently water the flowers and vegetables, create the smallest foggy veil for capricious ornamental crops.

Devices for Convenient Watering of the Garden (Part 2)

In the spray gun, you can adjust the intensity of the pressure, so as not to blur the soil when watering the plants under the root, and if you need a long continuous work, just fix the trigger in a certain position, and the hand will not get tired of the voltage. By the way, if you can not attach to the suburban work of the male half of your family – there is a win-win way to achieve the desired: instruct them to water and hand the spray gun. They will have a double impact: the call of blood (all men in one way or another – the soldiers) and the ability to shoot (even water jet). And how much joy it will bring to the younger generation!

Devices for Convenient Watering of the Garden (Part 2)

Watering gun

This gun is ideal for irrigation of crowns by sprinkling, irrigation of continuous crops and plantings: hedges, trees, lawns (and classic herbal blends – smaller sizes or unique shapes, Moorish). It is useful wherever you need a delicate watering, not eroding the soil.

Devices for Convenient Watering of the Garden (Part 2)

Spray on rod

The elongated sprayer will allow you to reach the most inaccessible areas for irrigation: crowns of trees and vines, remote from plant paths, green roofs, plants in vertical beds and flower beds, and so on.

Devices for Convenient Watering of the Garden (Part 2)

Sprinklers and sprinklers

If there is no time for quiet irrigation in manual mode, it is better not to start: quickly you can only wash off the dust from the leaves and soak the surface layer of the soil, and the moisture will not have time to reach the root system. In an emergency pace to fill the plants is also desirable, for the benefit of such watering will not do.

Devices for Convenient Watering of the Garden (Part 2)

Do not forget that the gradual moistening of the soil is much better than intensive. In this case, sprinklers will come to the aid of gardeners and gardeners. When I put the first simple sprinkler on the strawberry plantation, my happiness knew no bounds.

Devices for Convenient Watering of the Garden (Part 2)

And not only because a lot of time was freed up for other garden work, which is simply impossible without the participation of man: weeding, mulching and others. The most important advantage of the sprinkler is the condition of plants and soil: gradual moistening has a beneficial effect on any culture – you can not argue with this. But for the soil, this method of irrigation was preferable: it is not compacted, as with local irrigation, the surface is not formed crust (the need for continuous loosening of aisles). Sprinklers can water the area of any configuration, if it is possible to combine the device with a different coverage area: rectangular, round and sectors.

Devices for Convenient Watering of the Garden (Part 2)

You are on the right track

Hose guides

You will not call them a device, but I can say with all responsibility that such trifles are not superfluous in the country economy.

Devices for Convenient Watering of the Garden (Part 2)

Who among us did not grieve over the ruined plants that did not survive the fatal meeting with the watering hose (for some reason, the most beautiful, the rarest, the most beloved are always in the risk zone). When you start watering, it seems that all the time you try to pull up the hose carefully, but sooner or later vigilance dulls, and careless movement breaks off another flowering green branch (or life). And let the losses are not global, but they will not add a good mood. But to get rid of the problem is so simple: the guides will reliably protect the beds and beds from the invasion of their territory by an unwitting aggressor – a hose for watering — and send it on the right path.

Himself a designer

No (even the most expensive) manufacturer of irrigation devices will be able to create a system that will be ideal for your garden just because it has never been on your site. He does not know the location of beds and flower beds, a list of ornamental and food crops, climatic conditions and soil type. But you know all that. So create your own watering system – unique, perfect, flawless – assembled just for your conditions. The main thing is that all irrigation devices and components (connectors, adapters, splitters) are of the same manufacturer, then their compatibility will be ideal.

Devices for Convenient Watering of the Garden (Part 2)

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