Often it happens so: lose weight-lose weight, and weight and now there — all efforts are in vain! Why? The more we try to get rid of surpluses, the more they strive to stay in their usual places. And it’s not a bad exchange, which is usually complain about losing weight,and the mistakes that make everything.
1. Passion for fasting
It seems that everything is logical: if the food gets fat, then its absence in the stomach is the way to weight loss. Doctors, however, say that if the hunger strike lasts longer than 2-3 days in a row, it is a very dangerous path. Those few who survive a few days without food and are drawn into prolonged fasting, often reach nervous anorexia, threatening complete exhaustion. Most, fortunately, with difficulty and one hungry day are able to survive. But it is enough that the body was scared, thinking that came “starvation”, and began to save calories. Before the hunger strike, he absorbed half of the energy value of food, and then increased its efficiency to 99%. That is, now you need to cut the portions twice to stay in the current weight. And if you put on a plate as much as before, you will get better, as if eating for two!
Reduce calories and portions need a little, 10% per month maximum, but not more than 25-30% in General. With a smooth decrease in caloric intake, the body will not notice the catch, and the weight will melt even if not as fast as you would like, but stable.
Don’t give up the first one at lunch. And may the broth be strong enough.
The whole focus is that the digestion of such soup the body spends more calories than it contains, but this does not prevent to satisfy the feeling of hunger.
2. Pursuit of records
Do not try to lose a kilogram a day — lose weight slowly! With too fast weight loss (more than 50-70 g per day or 300-500 g per week) forced to save on their blood needs, the body begins to break down instead of fat muscle tissue, because it consumes the most energy. And fat saves until the last — it’s his strategic reserve for a rainy day.
3. The wrong choice of fluid
Losing weight should drink more to remove toxins from the body, formed during the disintegration of fat. Everyone knows that! But not everyone chooses to detox water – many prefer juices. In them same be, and means, more good, than in water. That’s just in addition to vitamins in the juice is sugar, due to which their energy value increases up to 100-120 kcal per 100 ml, while water is, of course, zero.
Drank during the day 2 liters of juice-and received an additional 2000 kcal. At the same time, they did not even eat: the juice instantly sucked in the stomach, and he, left empty, excites the center of hunger with his signals. It turns out a double injustice: you get fat on an empty stomach!
Careful with the mineral water!
Those who want to build, not everyone is good, but only the dining room-without mineral salts.
Contained in the medical-dining room and therapeutic mineral water salts retain water in the tissues, thereby slowing weight loss. But many people think that therapeutic mineral water type, on the contrary, heals losing weight body.
4. Long breaks in food
It kindles hunger, because blood glucose becomes small, and of the hormone ghrelin, inflammatory appetite, too much. As a result, having reached food, you load in a stomach much more, than it is necessary.
In order not to get into the grelin trap, nutritionists recommend to arrange 3 main meals and 2-3 small snacks, using an Apple, berries, a Cup of yogurt or kefir, a couple of sandwiches with cheese on thin slices of bread with bran.
5. Adherence to your favorite diet
Those who managed to lose weight on any one of them, with a 95% probability within 5 years return to the former excess weight or even exceed it. It would seem that prevents them to go back to the same diet? After all, it worked once, should help now. They sit on it, but soon it turns out that it is not so simple! The body produces something like an exchange “immunity”. When you re-use your favorite diet, which helped you once lose weight, suddenly turns out to be ineffective. We have to look for something new, then another and another. And so all life to move from diet to diet.
The easiest way to start the process of weight loss is to reduce the portions and exclude from the diet what is harmful to the figure (fat, fried, sweets, flour, etc.), that is, finally, start eating rationally.
6. Neglect of movement
For some reason, it’s easier for us to give up lunch than to do exercises. And after all movement not only burns hated fat! It is a powerful natural” sedative ” for appetite. It is almost impossible to control it in case of physical activity deficiency! For some reason, it is believed that physical activity awakens hunger, but in fact — helps to maintain the optimal level for the body. The less we move, the more we want to eat and the more we absorb food. Law physiology!
Try to do exercises in the morning, and the feeling of hunger during the day will not be so sharp.
7. Focus on others
You think that if a friend lost weight with the help of some miraculous method, then you, too, it will help to become slim. But everyone is different! There are those who literally plump from the air: they are able to lose weight only under the control of a specialist. Studies have shown that such people heat transfer after eating is much lower than that of the owners of a slim figure. The inability of the body to respond by increasing heat transfer to food substances-one of the reasons for the appearance of extra pounds! The body of such a person initially works in an energy-saving mode, and it is possible to make him spend more calories only with the help of an endocrinologist and a nutritionist.
8. Lack of motivation
Without it, nine out of ten losing weight return to the original weight. To get into your favorite jeans or change, finally, a one-piece swimsuit, concealing dimensions, separate, opening dignity-is already a powerful enough incentive to lose weight on a couple of sizes.
But you shouldn’t set unrealistic goals, weight not related: get rid of excess and get married, lose weight and get a better job. One thing is not connected with the other, and those who think otherwise, will be disappointed: you have found the perfect figure, and men are in no hurry with marriage proposals, a prestigious place with a high salary is not. The lady falls in spirit, seizes her sorrows with sweets and gets fat again.
Herbs against weight
- During the first month, take herbal cocktails: taken equally bearberry leaf with cranberry berries or rosehip fruit with black currant or black chokeberry berries. Pour 1 tablespoon of collection 2 cups of boiling water for 1 hour in a thermos, then strain and drink 1/3 Cup for 10-15 minutes before eating 3 times a day.
For variety and greater effect, drinks can be alternated: 1 day – Rowan, 2nd-currant, 3rd – cranberry and so on.
- During the week, to enhance metabolism and fat burning, take every morning on an empty stomach 10-20 drops of Eleutherococcus extract diluted in 1/3 Cup of boiled water (contraindication: Allergy, hypertension), and then another week – tonic tea from equally taken bearberry leaves, chamomile flowers and yarrow grass (1 tablespoon of the mixture per Cup of boiling water). Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day before meals.
Useful for losing weight and spicy herbs that are used, including in the fight against excess weight.
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