Indoor Plants: Care Tips For Novice Gardeners

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Indoor plants create comfort, purify the air, and just please the eye. However, not every house or apartment is ready to boast of favorable conditions: cold window sills in winter and scorching sun in summer, dry air and dust can greatly harm our green pets. A few simple tips will help novice gardeners simplify life for themselves and plants. After all, there are no small things in this case.

1. Place on the window

For example, I always make sure that the leaves of plants do not touch the window glass. It seems like a small thing, right? But in winter it can lead to frostbite, and in summer-to burn the leaves.

2. The ground

In addition, I do not buy soil, but prepare it myself. To do this, I take strips of turf, put them with their roots up, alternately shift them with layers of rotted manure. After such land has lain for about a year, it will turn into an ideal soil for indoor plants.

3. Top dressing

I also make fertilizers myself. I add powdered sugar to the crushed eggshells. It turns out an excellent top dressing for indoor plants. Another good fertilizer is pre-crushed banana peel. I also use coffee fertilizer: for this purpose, I mix the coffee grounds with sugar (1:1).

4. Watering

For watering, the water left over after cooking eggs is excellent. It contains a large amount of mineral salts that are useful for plants.

5. Automatic Watering

If I have to leave the flowers unattended for a long time, I build them an auto-watering machine. I set a large container of water on a chair, and place pots of indoor flowers around it. From each pot to the container with water, I stretch strips of gauze. This simple device helps plants to get the necessary amount of moisture even in my absence.

6. Hydration

I try to spray and bathe the flowers more often. I set the pot with the plant in a basin of water and wipe each leaf with a wet sponge. After that, I take the pot out of the basin, let it dry and only then carry it to its place.

7. The size of the tank

It is also important to choose the size of the pot. Small plants do not belong in large containers. This slows down their growth and development.

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