Tomato cuttings: how to increase the number of seedlings

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Tomatoes — a very healthy plant. And if you compare them even just with peppers and eggplants, tomatoes are the most grateful and hassle-free. Germinate quickly, to pick and transplant are very good, the seeds remain viable for a long time.

But that’s not all pluses. If necessary, you can safely increase the number of its seedlings at least twice, using a simple cuttings. In addition, you can grow another plant, for example, if during transportation you accidentally broke some Bush. Another situation in which the cuttings are shown is when the bushes clearly outgrow or stretch.

How to cut

Consider the situation on the example of overgrown plants. In the photo below you can see tomatoes, which already in early April began to form buds, that is, they were sown very early.

Sooner than a month to land on the bed of them fail. It is obvious that by that time these tomatoes will have outgrown. Without waiting for such a situation, they can simultaneously multiply and slow down growth.

To do this, remove the buds and cut off the top of the plant. Then cut off the extra leaves. Put the cuttings in a container of water for growing roots.

Now uterine plants a little “think”, allocate the desired phytohormone, which will spur the development of lateral shoots in the absence of a leader. After a while there will be so-called Stepsons, and the cut-off tops will begin to grow roots.

After 10 days, the cuttings are densely overgrown with roots, so they can be planted in pots. On the mother plants were stepchildren.

By the way, tomatoes can be propagated by rooting Stepsons, which we begin to remove, forming a Bush. For example, if you take an escape from an early tomato planted in a greenhouse and root it, the new Bush will have time to grow during the season and give the harvest, especially if the variety is early ripe.

Cuttings are planted in pots. Pour the earth and from time to time watered to avoid voids.

The first two days of the newly planted plants are not exposed to direct sunlight, then transferred to a light windowsill.

The experiment on rooting of pepper

And now I want to share my experiment. This year I sowed 2 varieties of sweet pepper, one of them showed excellent germination, and the seeds of the other did not Wake up at all, none. And the second variety was sown for open ground, that is much later than the first.

In vain after waiting 2 weeks, I was obviously late with sowing. Then urgently new seeds were bought and sown, but out of despair I decided to do this. Pepper I grow without picks, so variety for greenhouse sown immediately in individual glasses, where I put 1-2 seeds. All rose and it’s time to remove the extra sprout, I usually just pluck and throw.

I carefully cut off at ground level the extra tiny plants that barely let out the real leaves, and then covered with a film.

After a while it became clear that the plants took root. They, of course, lag behind their brethren, but survived, rooted and look well. I got 3 extra plants of a great variety.

Cuttings can be a good way to increase the number of seedlings, as well as sometimes a way out of a difficult situation. Try and you multiply tomatoes, and not only them, this method. And if you are not the first time, share with us in the comments, what vegetables you have already cut and for what.

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