3 Best Recipes for Nasturtium

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This is the best plant that can be used during cooking, as all parts of the plant with a specific spicy taste, reminiscent of lepidium sativum, are eaten.

Flowers. They have the most delicate taste. They are added to salads, soups, seasoned sandwiches with cheese and boiled meat. Dried grated nasturtium flowers are a great flavoring for soups, sauces and other dishes.

Buds. Marinated with vinegar and dill, they resemble capers. Fresh buds are used to flavor salads, vegetable and fish dishes.

Young leaves. They are added to fried poultry, rabbit, veal, and also used in salads.


Salad of nasturtium
Ingredients: 10 young leaves, 2 cucumbers, a few green onion feathers, 2 eggs, salt, pepper, mayonnaise (to taste). Cut the greens, cucumbers, and eggs finely and season with mayonnaise. The salad is decorated with whole nasturtium flowers of different colors.

Tomatoes, stuffed with nasturtium
Ingredients: pickled nasturtium fruits-60 g (2.1 ounce), boiled beets, grated on a coarse grater – 60 g (2.1 ounce), green peas-80 g (2.8 ounce), butter-20 g (0.7 ounce). Chop everything and pour the resulting filling into the tomatoes cut in half.

Nasturtium paste for sandwiches
Ingredients: young nasturtium leaves-200 g (7 ounce), nettle-125 g (4.4 ounce), dill-40 g (1.4 ounce). All pass through a meat grinder, season with vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste.

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