Mankind too active influence on the planet that needs us to endure and have a good feed.
She soon will not be able to do it: in the soil accumulated a lot of heavy metals, radionuclides are already present in the milk of cows. Soil acidity is growing, and with it increases the number of pathogens that feed on the same agricultural products as we do. People had to start producing chemical poison to fight them, which only aggravated the situation. Mineral fertilizers, chemicals, crop rotation — forced measures to which nature responds with countermeasures — create new resistant parasite populations.
The rivalry of nature and man, as the classics used to say, develops in a spiral. In its turns — cancer, infertility, allergies, children with disabilities from birth. People should move to environmentally safe management of the earth, to restore the fertile layer and the purity of the soil. Can humates help?
Humates: a new word, Yes a long history
The Egyptians used humic acids (not humates) to increase the fertility of the land, although the words did not know. Neil brought during floods silt, in which those acids were 2 grams in each liter.
Where to get raw materials
The raw material base is huge: brown coal, sapropel, Californian worm, waste of alcohol and pulp and paper production, peat. The cheapest and most affordable raw material is brown coal.
In some regions — sapropel-where there are lakes with bottom sediments. Waste of food and paper industry is also in abundance.
Than bad humates from brown coal and sapropel
Brown coal is first ground, then alkali is added to pull out humic acids, that is, coal is made biologically active. There’s a catch. It turns out that brown coal can be found the warehouse heavy metals. Humic acids interact with them. And then such friendly companies get into the ground. And it is almost a century accumulated a lot of mineral fertilizers and poisons that protect plants — and all these soil reserves immediately move from the form in which the sluggish stored in the form that is available to plants. Possible new mineral fertilizer, the plants accumulated use, but at their own discretion and not on the calculation of the agronomist. As a result, positive soil flora dies, pathogenic one reproduces. She carefully destroys the humus.
Sapropelite fertilizer effective fertilizer from brown coal. But even here without a fly in the ointment has not done: in sapropel too many mineral components and toxic substances.
All because the lake is low place, depression. There all the water (even rain, even snow) flows and carries with it all that people on earth left.
What are the dangers of California worms in the production of humates
It’s a worm from California. His biology is different, not like the earthworm’s. In their intestines live other microorganisms, they can infect other soils! From such a guest can get sick people and animals, maybe even an epidemic, similar in nature to bird flu. In the US, only very serious institutions and under state control are allowed to work with these animals! If in a private farmstead will be found a little more than half a kilogram of these ringed, the owner will be very seriously punished.
Manure or compost, processed by such guests, acidifies the soil and promotes the growth of pathogenic microflora outside their natural zone.
There is another unpleasant quality: this supplier of processed manure is the owner of nematodes — parasites of humans, animals and plants. Now we put on gloves for work to keep our hands beautiful and clean, and it may be that we will wear rubber boots and rubber gloves to the elbows to keep health.
Lignohumates, or alcohol waste
To extract the necessary substances from the waste, they are evaporated. It is clear that this process requires high temperatures, and even chemical treatment with acids and alkalis (and not to cause the destruction of humic acids, you can not greatly increase the temperature, the maximum permissible +55°C). Such fertilizers are ineffective, but aggressive, remain active for a long time, that is, they harm for a long time.
Probiotics, i.e. microorganisms capable of destroying pathogenic organisms, cannot live in solutions of these substances. All-almost a vicious circle, because there is no benefit to restore the soil from them at all.
Draw your own conclusions…
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