I was very worried this year for my roses: have suffered! Last fall, because of the hassle of moving, I was unable to get to the country house in time to hide them for the winter. There was no severe cold, but fears remained, will not freeze out? And spring I them new test has prepared: transplant. My beauties moved from the old garden to the new one.
Moved with adventure))) While I was in the old garden was busy, different seedlings dug up for transportation, cooked, Packed, the day passed unnoticed. We returned home at the first hour of the night. And the spring is warm, the sun warms-the plants in the trunk car will not keep … Unloaded, and then I understand: roses with an open root system until tomorrow simply will not live. Had roses to plant night, under the light of a flashlight.
Imagine a picture: dark, quiet, and on the site in front of the house under construction people with shovels in the light of a lantern digging something:))) Well, in the village at this time, the people were still a little… But of course, in the night I just prikopala these long-suffering bushes and abundantly watered, not to wither. And actually engaged in planting a day later, choosing cloudy weather. And then with awe waited-will be accepted or will perish?
Survived! One rose Bush was badly damaged — it had a lot of shoots, the roots did not cope with their nutrition after transplantation. Had to crop all that had withered, and now she’s slowly Well and the rest, a new place, apparently, had the soul — are completely covered with buds and drop-down each other gorgeous flowers.
The bushes are very low, but the flowers are many — I have never seen in the old garden, what they are together and bloomed abundantly. And this elegant island among the riot of grass warms the soul, helps to believe that someday (I hope very soon!) there will be a real big and beautiful garden-it will grow and bloom just like this bud, which will soon turn into a lush rose!
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