Modern groups of lilies
Asian, Oriental, Tubular and long-Flowered hybrids have become the main genetic material for modern groups of lilies. The presence in the pedigree of new varieties of genes of a basic group largely determines the features of growing lilies and care for them. Therefore, first you should understand what they differ from each other and what requirements apply to the conditions of agricultural machinery.
The success of hybridization led to the emergence of new groups of lilies, which have a reduced index — a kind of “key”, giving the opportunity to easily find out which group belongs to a particular variety. I give the “secret” codes that will not only help you choose the right varieties, but also become a guiding thread in agricultural technology.
So, what does the acronym type LO-hybrid LA-hybrid, ОТ-hybrid, LOO-hybrid OA-hybrid.
- LA-hybrid – a hybrid obtained by crossing the long-flowering and Asian lilies (Longiflorum x Asiatic). Inherits the unpretentiousness and winter hardiness of Asians and the elegance and beauty of the Lily flower longiflorum. The requirements for growing conditions are similar to Asian lilies, that is, the varieties of this group are quite unpretentious and winter-hardy, resistant to diseases. The flowers are larger than Asian lilies, look up, the petals are more durable. They have, in contrast to Asian women, delicate flavor, which they inherited from long-flowered lilies. Height up to 1 m. Very interesting variety ‘Royal Sea’, which has cowberry-pink flowers.
- OA-hybrid – is a derivative result of crossing Lily East and Asian (Oriental x Asiatic). The beauty of the flowers inherited from the Eastern Lily, many have a wavy edge of the petals. A wide range of colors came from the “Asians”. The presence of Oriental “blood” significantly increases the winter hardiness of varieties of this group. Prefer full sun, but tolerate partial shade. It is considered a promising group for further breeding work.
- LO-hybrids – a variety obtained by crossing the long-flowered and Oriental Lily (Longiflorum x Oriental). Height up to 1.5 m. Are extremely beautiful funnel-shaped or tubular flowers, inheriting the best qualities of parents. Perfectly tolerate the climate of the middle band, easy to reproduce. However, do not tolerate excessive humidity and need winter shelter. Among the disadvantages — susceptibility to fungal diseases.
- LOO-hybrid – a product of triple crossing (Longiflorum x Oriental x Oriental), an improved version of LO-hybrids. Differ huge flowers and strong aroma.
- ОТ-hybrids, or as they are sometimes called, orientate – the result of crossing Oriental lilies and tube (Oriental x Trumpet). They are distinguished by high growth (1,0–1,5 m), large spectacular flowers, bright aroma. Both parents, as is known, differ in capricious nature, low winter hardiness, increased requirements for soil conditions, do not tolerate acidic soils. However, their offspring (OT-hybrids) is much more hardy and winter-hardy, although it needs a light, well-drained area for planting.
Group, which belongs to a particular variety, you can try to determine the color of the bulb. Asians and LA hybrids usually have white bulbs, tubular and Royal – purple, hybrids Longiflorum – yellowish, lo, LOO-hybrids bulbs pink, from hybrids they can be pinkish-yellow, red-yellow or red-purple.
Despite such a large selection, to understand the varieties of lilies is quite possible. And then in your garden there will be those plants that you want to see and are able to grow.
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