Bulbous flowers differ from other ornamental crops amazing ability: when other plants are just beginning to Wake up after hibernation, they appear in all their glory literally from under the snow. Most of them have a docile nature, do not require any special care and develop well in one place for many years. If your site is not yet such amazing creatures, be sure to plant them this fall, and next spring your garden will be transformed beyond recognition.
Flowering of this plant lasts 1-2 weeks and depending on the weather can occur from mid-March to mid-may. After flowering, wait for the yellowing of the foliage on the plants, dig the bulbs, and in the autumn again plant them in the ground. Favorable period for planting Hyacinthus – from the second half of September to mid-October. Large bulbs with a diameter of about 5 cm and place with an interval of 15-20 cm, buried 15-18 cm smaller specimens can be planted thicker and not so deep.
Flowering of this culture begins in late may and lasts 20-25 days. By planting bulbs proceed in the 3rd decade of September or the 1st decade of October, placing them on the bed at intervals of 15-20 cm and digging 10-15 cm To preserve the decorative plants, 1 every 3-4 years, seat overgrown bushes.
This onion iris will decorate the garden in March-April and will fill it with a wonderful aroma for 2 weeks. By planting bulbs can begin in August and September. Depending on the size deepen them in the soil at 4-8 cm, maintaining a distance of 8-12 see Sprawling nests are seated every 5 years.
Erythronium depending on the weather blooms in April or may and pleasing to the eye 2-3 weeks. Planting this culture plan for September, warm autumn can transfer the procedure to October. Planting depth of bulbs is 5-7 cm, the interval between them – 15-17 see To preserve the decorative throw bushes every 4-5 years.
Decorate the plot with spring Crocus, planting them in the first half of autumn, and they will bloom the garden immediately after the snow melts. Autumn varieties, blooming at the very end of the season, plant in mid-summer. The bulbs put groups at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other, buried 5-15 cm in 3-5 years, overgrown nests’ll need to dig up and transplant.
Narcissus produces wonderful inflorescences in late April-early may and does not require additional hassle with winter storage bulbs. Sprawling nests divided 1 once in 4-5 years. Landing Narcissus spend in late August or September. The depth of embedding bulbs-10-20 cm (depending on size), the distance between them-15-20 cm.
If you plant different types of Scilla in the garden, you can continuously admire their beauty from April to mid-summer. To start planting in September-October, planting bulbs to a depth of 3 cm at intervals of 5 cm Transplant Scylla will require only 4-5 years.
This culture blooms in April-may, and transplant requires only 1 time in 5-6 years. After the leaves have dried, carefully remove the plant from the ground, divide the bulbs, dry and store until autumn. In September, plant the bulbs of Pushkin in a new place at intervals of at least 10 cm, buried in the ground for 5-7 cm.
Tulip bulbs are planted in the period from mid-September to early October. With this approach, they bloom in April and may. Tulips 13, 14 and 15 class will be able to do without transplanting 3-4 years. Other species will require annual transplanting: after flowering and drying on 2/3 of the foliage, dig the bulbs and store until autumn, and then plant again in the ground.
To Chionodoxa bloomed in April at the same time with Galanthus and Scilla, plant it in September-October. Large bulbs plant every 8-10 cm to a depth of 6-8 cm, smaller-more often, to a depth of 4-6 cm Transplant this perennial plant will require only 5-7 years.
Surely, your eyes stopped at 1-2 copies of bulbs, and you decided to decorate your site with these lovely creatures. And if you are in confusion and can not make a choice among this beauty, then you have to keep in mind that there are still quite a lot of bulbous flowers that can decorate your garden. With these flowers, your garden will really be immersed in bright colors from early spring to mid-summer.
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