Lovely English roses
All English roses are without exaggeration beautiful, it is difficult to single out any one variety. My task does not include a detailed listing and description of all varieties (and there are already about 200!): this information can easily be obtained on the Internet.
I chose one representative from each color category: white, pink, yellow, copper-apricot, red-orange and crimson-purple — guided, I must admit, solely by my own taste preferences. I can assure you that all the other varieties are no worse.
- ‘Claire Austin’ (2007)
The originator named it after his daughter. Recognized as the best in the group of white English roses. Medium-sized shrub with well-leaved arched shoots. Buds of a greenish hue open into delicate milky-white Cup-shaped flowers. According to experts, it has a strong aroma of myrrh with notes of vanilla and heliotrope.
- ‘Munstead Wood’ (2007)
Purple rose with large velvet petals. The Bush is large, spreading. Young leaves are red-bronze, then turn bright green. The flowers have a strong aroma of old roses with fruity notes. In the hot sun, the petals slightly “burn”. The variety is the winner of many awards, including the best in 2009.
- ‘Graham Thomas’ (1983)
One of the” first-born ” David Austin remains the most popular among the yellow varieties of English roses. Bright Cup-shaped flowers of Golden yellow color with the aroma of tea roses. The Bush is erect, dense, strong-branched, hardy and hardy, has a good repeat flowering. The introduction of this variety gave way to many other varieties.
- ‘Benjamin Britten’ (2001)
Red rose with a rare for English roses color of the petals-at first a rich red-brick, which then changes to salmon-pink. In the center of the flower, a yellow glow creates a glow effect. Deep bowl-shaped flowers appear all summer. Erect strong, well-leaved shrub. It grows very quickly, has excellent health and winter hardiness. Intense fruity aroma of raspberries and pears.
- ‘Princess Alexandra of Kent’ (2007)
This rose from among the pink ones is deservedly considered one of the masterpieces of the David Austin nursery. Harmonious, dense, but relatively low Bush is strewn with large Cup-shaped strongly Terry flowers, smelling of lemon with notes of black currant. Extremely resistant to black spots, blooms until frost.
- ‘Lady Emma Hamilton’ (2005)
The variety is apricot-colored, although it is difficult to describe its color in one word. Dark crimson buds open into tangerine-orange flowers, then turn pink. It blooms profusely and is famous for the aroma of tropical fruits with notes of grapes and citrus. Magnificent dark bronze foliage, healthy and hardy plant-a real decoration of the collection.
Thus, half a century of hard work of the breeder was not in vain. Currently, hundreds of thousands of seedlings of English roses are sold around the world, and David Austin wrote his name in gold letters in the world history of selection of these flowers.
Are there any beautiful English roses in your garden? Tell us what varieties you have chosen for your site, and how they have proven themselves.
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