I didn’t have time to get rid of one concern — kitchen repairs — as the next one immediately appeared: curtains. I didn’t hang up the old ones — I got tired of them, but I haven’t decided on the new ones yet: it’s necessary to shade them from the sun, protect them from immodest looks, and decorate the interior.
And here’s the paradox: the problem is not a lack of stunningly beautiful ideas, but an abundance! I hasten to share the most interesting — suddenly you are also in search of new “clothes” for your windows. Since I have a specific goal — the kitchen, most of the examples will be just for her.
Simple, but tasteful
To repeat something like this, you will not need any special sewing skills or expensive fabrics. And the room will become more cozy and elegant.
Complete with an apron for washing, window curtains look even better. Double benefit: both the window was covered, and household trifles are not visible under the sink.
It took a minimum of fabric to create these pretty products. The main thing is to successfully choose a combination of texture and pattern of companions.
In the subject
For the kitchen — it’s the most, isn’t it? The fruit direction is closer to me: if they catch up with the appetite, it’s not scary, not like cakes and cupcakes…
Cage and strip
Both prints are among my favorites, so I really like almost all of the following ideas!
Judging by the number of ideas posted online, there are a lot of fans of fabric in a cage. Pickups and ruffles in tone will give the product a touch of romanticism.
But I also like the strip! What to do? Perhaps we will have to sew several sets — why not?!
Macrame at the height of fashion
The title is not for a red word: curtains woven in this technique are really in demand now. And this is understandable: inexpensive, beautiful, fashionable and practical — there are many advantages!
There are many examples of such curtains, and in the interior of not only modest country houses, but also solid city apartments. The weaving technique, if desired, will not take long to master, it is not so tricky.
There are such beautiful products that you can’t take your eyes off! These, for example. Just imagine that you can create such beauty with your own hands!
There are so many cute options that a few articles won’t be enough to show everything, but I want to!
Some patterns are so intricate that you can’t help but feel respect for the authors of the products.
Most of them are presented in white, a lot of curtains in various shades of beige, ecru, champagne. But occasionally there are brighter models.
Burlap curtains
I’ll tell you straight — for an amateur. I appreciate the natural material, the ingenuity of the authors of the ideas and the skill of execution, but I will leave my bags in the shed.
Of course, there are also models ennobled with ruffles and companion fabrics. The undoubted advantage of burlap models is an affordable and inexpensive material.
Some boldly put together coarse burlap with the most delicate lace. The result is impressive.
Romantic motives
Even a thin strip of lace can ennoble modest curtains. Don’t you believe it? Sew a lace border to your curtains and evaluate the result.
Those who know how to crochet will not find it difficult to repeat these cute ideas exactly. However, lace can be bought, fortunately, now there is plenty to choose from.
You can do without fabric at all: it will take more time to work, but the result is worth it!
Just look at these wonderful curtains — you can’t take your eyes off, they’re so good, right? If you are going to repeat, keep in mind that the crocheted canvas holds its shape better than the one made with knitting needles.
It’s a pity that these elegant curtains are created exclusively for beauty — you can’t hide behind them from the sun and curious eyes.
How about without a patchwork
To be honest, I was surprised when I saw the curtains made in this technique. How practical it is — you don’t have to buy fabric!
The ideas on the right seem too colorful and bright to me, but the curtain on the left is to my taste.
And a couple more amazing models: only real craftswomen can repeat this, and not everyone will dare to hang them on their window, but you can admire it!
Stylish embroidery
Always and everywhere will be in place. It is not necessary to depict paintings, it is enough (and even better) to limit yourself to small fragments.
It’s hard to give preference to one option when everyone is good in their own way.
Pleats and draperies
If you focus on drapery, do not worry about the fact that the fabric is without a pattern — it will still turn out beautifully.
If desired, you can add some bright colors to the curtains.
Or as many as you like. It is desirable that the colors of the curtains harmonize with the interior of the room.
If you want to surprise everyone with a complicated drapery, pay attention to these ideas. It looks great, but it won’t be difficult to do.
If it seems that everything is still not beautiful enough, add catchy pickups.
And a small piece of fabric in skillful hands will turn into a stylish curtain. If desired, you can even do without hooks!
Short cuts can be used on hourglass—shaped curtains – they look very stylish and dignified.
Roman curtains
After all, the Internet is a great thing! If desired, you can find a master class for almost any request. The device of Roman curtains is now also not a secret.
You won’t need a lot of fabric, so you can make curtains of various colors — for summer and for winter.
Interesting ideas of different colors on one window is unusual.
Translucent fabrics will eliminate the feeling of a tightly closed room.
The dense fabric will securely close the windows: neither a glance nor a ray will get through. It is important for summer, especially if the windows face south or west.
Roller blinds
They are also easy to make yourself, I watched the master classes. And if you sew chair covers or make a tablecloth from the same fabric, it will turn out great.
The photo on the right is almost a copy of my friend’s curtain. She made it out of… a duvet cover. The pillowcases and the sheet from the set already didn’t look very good, and the duvet cover looked like new. Do not waste the same good!
Creative, you can’t say anything!
I pay tribute to the ingenuity of the authors of the ideas — in a desperate situation, even such curtains will help out. But I definitely don’t see them in my kitchen.
But just in case, I’ll remember the ideas-help-out from improvised materials, you never know when and where they will come in handy.
Alternative to cornices
The hanger hook on the frame is a very practical device: you do not need to fasten it and do not have to remove it to close the window. The only disadvantage is that it is suitable only for opening doors.
Of course, heavy curtains are unlikely to withstand such fasteners, but light ones are quite. For several years, my kitchen curtains have been hanging on plastic hooks glued to the window frame without any problems.
And now tell me: which of the curtains did you like the most? Maybe by popular vote I will finally be able to choose the best of the best!
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