In the modern construction industry using a variety of materials, profiled — one of the most popular. It is used in new construction, and the reconstruction of old buildings; popular with private developers in the construction of a small country house and specialized companies in the construction of large industrial and commercial facilities. Most likely, this name is known even to those who have never encountered any construction or repair.
I will consider in more detail what is a profiled, what is used and what its varieties exist.
Decking: what is it?
Profiled, corrugated sheet-sheet material made of steel. For the production of profiled sheet used thin steel – galvanized or other protective coating.
Different names of this building material equally Express its main distinctive quality: corrugated sheets have a wavy, profiled, corrugated form. This profile gives the product the necessary rigidity. Despite the small thickness of the original steel sheet (from 0.4 mm), the finished profiled sheet has sufficient strength to be used in a variety of construction areas.
The range of profiled sheets is classified according to three parameters:
- by appointment – “H”, “HC”, “C”;
- according to the material of the initial billet-steel sheet;
- by type of protective and decorative coating.
And now more about this classification.
What can be used profiled
Today corrugated sheet is widely used in construction. It is used directly in the construction of various objects as a permanent formwork, for example, when the device of concrete floors “on the corrugated Board” or to perform enclosing structures. It is also used in finishing works: for facing the facade walls, as a roofing material, for the construction of fences and fences and even as a decorative interior material.
Although initially profiled sheet still conceived, first of all, as a structural element. It is from here its common name “profiled” – profiled flooring. Therefore, the expression “fence of corrugated Board” sounds somehow not quite logical.
What does marking mean
The letters marked “H”, “HC” and “C” indicate:
- H-for decking. That is, for horizontal structures: floors, roofs.
- C – for vertical, that is, less loaded structures.
- HC-denotes universal application, suitable for both.
When buying, it makes sense to focus primarily on this parameter.
Profiled sheets differ in the shape of the profile and its height. As a rule, products with a higher “wave” and a complex profile pattern, belong to the brands “H” and “HC”. The higher and more complex the shape of the stiffening edge formed by the “waves” of the profile, the greater the load directed perpendicular to the plane of the sheet, the profiled can withstand. The height of the profile in the marking is indicated by figures indicating the height of the “wave” in millimeters. By standards, it varies from 8 to 114 mm.
In commercially available trapezoidal sheet with trapezoidal profile and corrugated — round relief resembling slate.
Coating options
All profiled sheet is made of sheet steel. The differences are in the thickness of the sheet and the method of applying the protective coating. The thickness of the sheet is important if it is expected to increase the load. And the methods of applying a protective corrosion-resistant coating and its chemical composition are important when choosing a material for the operation of profiled sheets in aggressive environments. The coating protecting the metal surface is applied on both sides of the sheet.
- Zinc coating
Galvanizing is the most common and reliable way to protect steel from corrosion. Galvanized sheets retain their properties from 65 (in industrial areas) to 120 years, if the object is in an environmentally friendly place, outside the city. The marking of galvanized steel products does not contain additional letters or numbers. In this case, the hot-dip galvanizing method is assumed.
- electrolytic zinc coating
This method of galvanizing gives a zinc coating of lower strength: it is five times less stable than the coating by hot-dip galvanizing.
- Aluminium coating
As a protective layer, zinc and aluminum alloy is used (aluminum content in the composition — about 5%).
- Aluminum or alumosilicious coating
Accordingly, the corrosion-resistant coating is made of aluminum or aluminum alloy and silicon, the content of which — 1.6%.
Profiled flooring is widely used for the construction of industrial buildings. Protective anti-corrosion coating is sufficient for reliable protection against destruction of walls and roofs of buildings, especially if it is zinc coating applied by hot-dip galvanizing. This galvanized layer has the ability to self-repair: small damage to the coating over time” overgrown ” zinc at a rate of about 2 mm per year.
But today, corrugated sheets are often used for decoration, and not only warehouses and hangars. Therefore, in addition to protecting the metal from corrosion of the zinc layer, trapezoidal sheet covers an additional paint or polymers, acryl, polyester, polyvinyl chloride or polyurethane.
The thickness of the layer of corrosion-resistant and polymer coating, as well as its type affects the performance of the profiled sheet. In each country, the thickness of the steel and the thickness of the protective coating on it is regulated depending on climatic conditions.
All these parameters can be found out from the marking of profiled. For example, you can see this alphanumeric code: C21-0,55-750-12 000-6005-PE. This means that before you profiled with zinc coating applied by hot-dip galvanizing, wall, with a height of ” waves ” 21 mm, made of steel 0.55 mm thick, the working width of the panel 750 mm, length 12 m, has an additional decorative coating of polyester, painted according to the color standard RAL in dark green shade”green moss”.
Given the popularity of the profiled sheet as a building material, as well as a variety of profiled sheets finishing, I will tell you about the possible ways of decorative design separately below.
A little about the technology of profiled sheets manufacturing
Do not believe those who say that profiled — a modern building and finishing material, which appeared in our country in the last twenty or thirty years. His invention dates back to 1820 and is credited to the English engineer Henry Robinson Palmer. For all these years, profiled sheets of thin metal have spread widely around the world: the combination of cost-effectiveness of production of the material, its reliability and ease of installation could not leave indifferent neither the owners of various facilities, nor the builders.
The production of profiled sheet is simple: sheet steel in a roll is stretched through rotating rollers, squeezing out the profile on the sheet. The shape of the rollers rolls and determines the shape of the profile.
The width of the sheet in the finished form depends on the height of the relief: the more volume, the smaller the working width of the finished product in comparison with the workpiece. Corrugated sheets are made of rolled steel, so the length of the finished products is limited by the technical capabilities of production. Standard length specifies the types “Н” and “НС” they should be multiples of 250 mm, from 3 to 12 m. For type “C” — multiples of 300 mm from 2.4 to 12 m. And if the opportunity of production, the panel length may be greater at the request and with the agreement of the consumer.
In fact, another no less popular product of steel-metal, is also a profiled sheet, only in addition to the longitudinal profiles are added and cross. By the way, and the usual profiled can have additional cross profiling.
The application of cross-sections allows to complicate the shape of structures and build not only objects with flat surfaces, but also having different curvilinear configurations. This opens up great opportunities for architects and designers.
Profiled sheets with a layer of insulation, perforated, with a figured edge
The popularity and prevalence of profiled sheeting forces manufacturers to come up with more and more new and interesting modifications.
In addition to the deaf of the panels are made of perforated trapezoidal sheet. Profiled sheet with holes is used for ventilation or noise reduction in those areas where it is necessary. Perforated sheets on the wall structures do not reflect the sound waves completely, but partially pass them through the holes inside the wall, where the sound waves are extinguished, absorbed by a layer of heat insulator, for example, mineral wool. Thus, the noise is reduced.
The holes can have different shapes, locations and sizes. Perforation is done across the plane or only in some areas. In addition to the acoustic purpose, such profiled panels with perforation can be used for decorative purposes.
Another building material on the basis of metal corrugated Board — sandwich panels. They have a three-layer structure: the outer and inner layers-profiled metal sheets, and between them a layer of insulation is placed.
Mineral wool or expanded polystyrene is used as a heater. Such insulated panels further simplify the already simple installation. You can use warm profiled sheeting for wall cladding or roofing.
In this section, it is worth mentioning and profiled with a figured edge. This type is specially designed for enclosure. Panels of such profiled sheet have a figured cutting down on the top and bottom edge, imitating traditional ” peaks ” of a forged fence or the top edge of the fence.
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