As already mentioned at the beginning of our Express course, landscape pond-pond, organized by natural pattern — among all possible water devices is the most popular. This is understandable: stylistically, it fits into any garden, the work is done easily and quickly, the pond looks absolutely natural and exists autonomously, self-cleaning, that is, without requiring burdensome complex care. And we continue the article called Step-by-Step Technology of Landscape Pond Arrangement on the Site (Part 1).
The final touches and – water!
After the film is laid on top of it on the bottom and terraces need to pour another layer of sand. Dense garden soil to lay out in those zones where it is supposed to land deep-water and shallow plants. Peat and compost should not be used: peat only clogs the water, and compost contains excessive organic matter, which will provoke the flowering of water.
Plants are planted in stages, as the pond is filled with water. First on the bottom are the nymphs, then on the lower terrace are the other deep — sea plants and oxygenators, and eventually on the upper terraces are the shallow — water plants, given the individual planting depth of each. The soil layer varies from 10 to 40 cm, taking into account the power of plant growth and its root system. In the recess of the poured soil, the soil removed from the container with a lump of earth with a seedling is installed, the earth around it is compacted, and from above the soil can be sprinkled with gravel so that young unrooted plants do not emerge, and so that the fish can not dig the soil in the area of the base of the Bush.
Water is poured using a hose. To powerful jet do not erode the landing and did not raise the excess sludge, the hose end can be inserted into the fixed duct tape a plastic bag with an open bottom. All landings, especially in the coastal zone, from above it is necessary to fill up a layer of pebbles or gravel. This will avoid water turbidity during heavy rains and winds.
To complicate and decorate the bottom relief, at different levels, you can put a few large, better light boulders. In places to pour a heap of medium and large gravel. This is useful for the life of some fish, which you will settle later in your pond.
To decorate the coastline it is desirable to use stones similar in shape, structure and color and varied in size. It is desirable to avoid such a location which is contrary to nature, that is, to string, as beads. Try to place them in separate, not equal in weight groups. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the stones not only decorate the shore of the pond and make it easier for us to decorate the film, but also are the reference points where you can step to reach distant objects from the shore in the process of care. Therefore, regardless of where such supporting stones are installed: on the shore or in shallow water — they must be securely fixed.
It is advisable to avoid the use of limestones and Dolomites in the submerged state. They alkalize the environment, there is an increase in the ph value, and this is undesirable for the health of the flora and fauna of the reservoir. However, these materials can be used on the shore to decorate the coastal zone.
Water – but what?
Many people are interested in the question, what kind of water to let into the pond. Of course, the most suitable for this purpose water – rain, but where it is so much to take? Therefore, we use the one that is available. In some areas, tap or well water contains too much iron and other salts. It is desirable to defend it in open containers, but when it comes to very large bodies of water, it is almost impossible.
In such a situation, it is advisable to purchase special biochemical agents that improve the quality of the “new” water. In order to choose the right packaging (that is, the amount of the required drug) — and a lot of them, they are different and very effective — you need to know the volume of the pond. To do this, even at the construction stage, try to calculate this value. We’ll have to remember the school geometry lessons or get advice son-seventh-grader, because in the pits of complex configuration is not easy to do. Will facilitate the task of those that will say that this is the desired approximate accuracy. That is, you just need to know that the volume of the pond is, for example, 3 cubes, 10 or 25.
As you fill the pond with water do not forget from time to time to correct the film, because when it is filled, it will be much more difficult to do. It is recommended to add one or two buckets of” live “pond water from a natural reservoir to the” new ” water, so the adaptation process will go faster.
It should be borne in mind that the first time the water from the disturbed particles of sand and soil will be muddy, it lasts only a few days. But if the weather is hot, the water is sure to bloom, and it will be brown or green. To avoid annoying trouble you can, if just to make a portion of the product concerned. And if you do not want to spend the extra money, the first natural flowering just need to patiently survive as children’s diseases. I assure you, it’s not difficult. This is an absolutely normal process that lasts no more than two or three weeks. During this time, a biological balance is formed in the pond, and subsequently the water in it will be almost always transparent and clean.
Design of shores
In the last turn, in accordance with the chosen style, the coastal zone is formed: soil, gravel, plants are planted, boulders, flagstones are laid, floorings are installed. Excess film can be cut or tightly wrapped by digging into the ground.
If you decide to arrange on the edge of the pond observation deck or a place for a family holiday, when using the flagstone it is necessary to fix on the cement mortar. And designing wooden floorings, accurately calculate the possible load and consider the technical side of the structure.
In conclusion, I would like to add: the proposed technology has been worked out at many facilities and is quite justified. Having learned to work with the film when the device landscape pond, and regardless of its size, I’m sure you want to try your hand at creating other water devices.
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