A Few Words About Healthy And Delicious Tomatoes

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It is hard to believe that tomatoes, were known to europeans since the middle of the 16th century, but they began to eat them only at the very end of the 18th century. Before that, tomato bushes were grown exclusively as ornamental plants, and their fruits were considered poisonous. as early as 1774, horticultural guides warned that tomatoes drive those who eat them crazy. perhaps they were not so far from the truth: a delicious juicy tomato can really drive a true gourmet crazy!

What is the benefit of tomatoes

Tomato is one of the most popular vegetable crops in the world. tomato fruits are rich in lycopene, a red pigment that breaks down fats. It is a natural antioxidant that is recognized as essential for the human body. antioxidants ensure the health of the cardiovascular system by strengthening the walls of capillaries and blood vessels. many nutritionists recommend following a diet with the use of lycopene-rich foods to prevent the appearance of coronary heart disease. Lycopene suppresses the pathogenic microflora in the intestines, normalizes appetite, promotes weight loss, regulates cholesterol metabolism in the body.

Due to the content of phytoncides, tomatoes have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is worth noting that these fruits perfectly regulate the work of the nervous system, being an excellent antidepressant. Due to the high content of serotonin, tomatoes improve mood.

Amazing facts about tomato

The most curious case in the history of world poisoning occurred with the first President of the United States, George Washington. When Washington was the commander of the colonists army, they decided to poison him with tomatoes, superstitiously considering these fruits poisonous. chef jay bailey prepared and served the future president a roast with tomatoes, hoping for the right result. George Washington liked the dish very much, and ate the roast with great relish. And, as we know, not only survived, but also successfully won the independence of the country and became the first president of the United States.

Colonel Robert Gibbon Johnson was able to dispel the myth about the poisonous qualities of tomatoes, who in 1822 publicly ate a whole bucket of tomatoes on the steps of the courthouse in Salem, proving that they were completely safe.

How does selection affect the beneficial properties of tomatoes

Tomato breeding is a very complex, but at the same time very interesting process, thanks to which new varieties and hybrids are created. In the twentieth century, foreign varieties and hybrids of tomatoes began to go on sale on the shelves of stores. They attracted the buyer with an impeccable appearance and a variety of colors. but, unfortunately, they were devoid of rich taste, and the benefits of them for the body were minimal.

Breeders perfectly coped with the task of creating an impeccable appearance, high transportability and keeping the fruit, but they did not solve a very important problem associated with the accumulation of useful substances and vitamins in tomatoes.

Of course, the desire of each of us to eat delicious and healthy. most amateur gardeners grow their own favorite vegetables on their plots to treat themselves and their loved ones to a “healthy” harvest. When developing new varieties and hybrids of tomatoes, breeders pay special attention to the content of lycopene, vitamins and other useful substances that enrich our body and bring incomparable health benefits.

In addition, the selection takes into account other important consumer properties, including adaptability to different climatic conditions and resistance to diseases and pests. In recent years, a number of very interesting and popular series of tomato varieties and hybrids have been created.

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