A Playground With His Own Hands

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How does the construction of playgrounds begin? Right, idea. If the idea for the arrangement of the playground has not yet acquired a clear outline, read this article-maybe something to take note. Remember the main rule: the playground must be safe. Build a platform away from prickly bushes, greenhouses and outbuildings, placing so that part of it a few hours a day was in the shade — a long time to be in the sun kids harmful. In addition, let me remind you: wherever our offspring, they should always be before my eyes.

Where to start creating a Playground

First, draw a plan diagram of the children’s area. Artistic skills for this is not required, the main thing-that you understand where that will be. Here are a few more ideas for the arrangement of a children’s playground. You can combine it with a sports complex.

Or build a children’s house, sandpit and swing.

A little about safety

  1. The front and rear of the swing must be left at least 2 m of free space.
  2. Children’s Playground for kids is better to close the soft cover (lawn, synthetic coating, and so on). Children move a lot and often fall, so it is desirable to protect them from possible injuries.
  3. All mortgage details of a platform (support for a hill, a swing, a Lodge and other constructions) to deepen in soil not less than on 0,5 m and properly strengthen.
  4. Each wooden detail on the Playground should be carefully polished and covered with paint or varnish.
  5. The size of structures (swings, slides, sandboxes, etc.) commensurate with the age of the child. For example, for a baby from 2 to 5 years, the size of the sandbox is 1, 7×1, 7 m, slides and swings – up to 1.5 m. for children of primary school age, the slide is usually made from 2.5 to 3.5 m in height, and the swing is from 2.5 m.


Probably, no playground in the country will not do without a comfortable slide. I note that to make a safe children’s slide is not so easy. Here it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances: carefully sand the surface, it is good to strengthen the supports, provide strong railings and bumpers.

Therefore, I advise you to buy a factory product-the benefit, the choice on sale is huge.


Children often like to be alone, so playgrounds are a good idea to complement the house, even just a little.

For older children, you can raise the house higher.

If desired, you can build even here is a miracle!

Interesting additions to the playground

See how interesting can be decorated playgrounds, what cute crafts can be made from scrap materials.

Children love to jump and climb — old tree cut is perfect for this purpose.

Of course, you can not bother with the construction of a Playground with their hands, and buy ready. And want to give scope to their own creativity. And it will be interesting for children to take part in such an exciting business. But from the material at hand sometimes turn out such wonderful things that just amazed.

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