And We Have Mushrooms in the Forest, and You?

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Last week, mushrooms began to grow in our area in the forest) or rather, they came across somewhere before that-chanterelles, mostly. Well, there’s a lot of things there at once, and what not: a horsetail, a brown-capped blueberry, a horsetail and, of course, the king of mushrooms – a Penny Bun.

It was hot today, so we gathered in the forest in the evening. The sun is hot for the third day, and there is no such mushroom abundance as a week ago. But it’s still good – you come back with mushrooms, and you don’t work so much 🙂 and then you bring a full basket — and you think: “Why are there so many of them?” :))

This time I grabbed the camera, and the photo shoot turned out great)) It’s just a pity that most of the “participants” did not get into the basket: a kind of handsome looks bold, but inside it is disgusting…

Yellowed leaves are already falling from young birches, and it is difficult to see anything among this variety. But not all mushrooms hide, some on the contrary – flaunt themselves.

Sometimes you come across whole mushroom families – you will see one, and next to them, it turns out, there are several, from small to large! But such a shy couple is especially touching somehow :))

However, even lonely “heroes” look great! You will see this — and the hand reaches out to the camera earlier than to the mushroom knife 🙂

And on the way, we ate a little of the remains of ripe raspberries and met a luxurious viburnum bush in a field near a neighboring village. His autumn is brightly painted with colors, he is standing, visible from afar – you will definitely not pass by, admire, stop.

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