Beautiful Decor for the Plot With Their Hands

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Exclusive and non-destructive? Is it possible? Yes, if you take the composition of the design for your own garden in your own hands — from the beginning to the end.

Hand made? It’s … profitable!

Garden, lovely garden! We dream of a beautiful frame for their personal possessions, that everyone, even the farthest corner of the site will caress the eyes and warm the soul. But, as often happens, the magical dreams remain unrealized, and the reason is very earthly: for the beauty you have to pay. And here’s the time to remember what a pleasure it is — to give vent to imagination, to compose and to realize complex “scores” for all the participants of the garden “orchestra” performing each of its “part”.

Than traditionally decorate the territory of a country site? There are so many options that eyes run up: amusing gnomes, touching small animals, romantic lamps, garden screens and decorative panels… but here the problem — well made thing costs a lot of money, and faceless plastic stamping is necessary to nobody. What to do? Create masterpieces with your own hands! Especially since hand made today-the most current trend in garden fashion.

Let the elements of exclusive decor will be in your dacha those diamonds that are able to decorate even the most modest outfit.

1. Include in the” set for creativity ” the most common objects

Use simple and familiar things, “scattered” in the house and on the site:

Include in the” set for creativity ” the most common objects

  • First-the remains of building materials: plywood, boards, lining, block house, as well as rails, baseboards, corners, ceramic tiles (whole and broken).
  • Secondly-country stock: watering cans, buckets, shovels, barrels for watering, ropes for tying of trees, containers for plants, decorative gravel, rubber boots, garden furniture.
  • And finally, the old things that we send “in reference” to the country: dishes, mirrors, suitcases, balls, floor vases and all sorts of little things — shells, glass stones, cotton floss.

Colored ceramics as a decoration-why not?

Important: you can use all that is at hand — in the process of creating creations ideas will come themselves.

Flower vases and pots decorated with decoupage will add individuality and charm to the garden.

2. Say “no” to shopping containers

You are quite capable to produce such containers with their hands. A good mini-compositions will complement the beds and mixed borders, linking the floral decoration of the garden into a unified whole. In addition, they are mobile and can easily “travel” through the garden, changing its appearance every time, as if by magic.

  • Discovered unnecessary standard plastic pots or vases? Great! They can be painted, painted, tied with bamboo or branches, paste over shells, coins, glass pebbles, pebbles or wrap ropes.

Unusual lamps in fact-pots with plants.

  • No tanks ready? Create author’s options from improvised means: excellent “house” for blooming annuals or perennials can be folded from logs or timber type log or use for this purpose basket, painted with bright colors.

We will do without costs: a few bars-and a small flower bed is ready.

Decor for a plastic container can be built from medium-thick branches of wood:

The decor of the branches of the plastic container.

Cute container in the style of ” eco ” will snag, hollowed log or boulder with a hole in the desired depth.

Plant composition: the young stone — simple, but extremely ornamental.

Old massive watering cans, basins, irons will be useful. Important: “ancient” items in the decoration is not needed, but modern — for example, galvanized watering can — decorate by painting or decoupage, but instead of the usual decorative paint, use a boat.

You can make a container in the style of “patchwork”, tightly gluing any container with small colored patches of calico and covering the surface with the same boat varnish.

From old ladder to get the original stand, if you replace step flower boxes. A staircase-floor lamp with hanging flickering candles any evening will help to create a cozy and romantic atmosphere.

Left: containers of rubber boots. Right: staircase-floor lamp.

3. Tell stories of plant composition

They are an incredible way to transform a garden, and costs almost no. For example, to create a stylish garden mosses and lichens, it is enough to surround a few or one beautiful stone (it can be painted with paints) carpet mosses of different textures and colors.

This minimalistic stone composition will make the garden stylish and refined.

An additional decoration for this garden will serve as a jacket crocuses, several straw balls and snags.

Another quite budget example — onion garden. Imagine that you make a small rock garden or a bouquet composition, but not from specific plants, but from different species of bows-perennial and annual.

Possible candidates: the Welsh chives, fragrant, multi-tiered, leeks and the common onion. The original addition-colored ceramic “cylinders” of different heights, which can be composed, for example, of miniature pots with cacti.

Fence mixer, made of bamboo: easy to manufacture, and looks original.

4. Become a Director of your “theater of miniatures”

The stage here will be the garden, you will be handing out the roles and decide who will play first and who to hustle in the crowd. Such landscape miniatures are extremely popular today, but at the same time require maximum creativity with minimum costs.

Miniature landscape in a Mediterranean style: the terracotta walls, decorative faucet. The soloist — bench out of driftwood.

In fact, these are not simple compositions, but whole installations with a rich “inner world”. In addition to the plants involved different accessories that can solo or play the role of the background. You can create on its territory a pond, Greek ruins, a rural courtyard or flower garden-a picture where you “draw” with the help of plants intricate figure.

The false fireplace is a detail that will enliven the boring fence.

Tip: it will look very stylish composition using an old suitcase or a Viennese chair.

Left: container of old chairs. Right: appeal to fashionable theme — costume design for the garden… a Scarecrow!

Vegetable beds and a pen for the chickens will become art objects.

Vegetable beds and a pen for the chickens will become art objects.

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