Conspiracy Theory: Spy Plants

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The cold war is over, and the” axis of evil”, according to our former opponents, has shifted within the borders. However, espionage passions do not subside and periodically again remind themselves not only by going to the screens of another story about her Majesty’s agent or spy scandal, but also by the research of scientists.

In The management of promising research projects of the Pentagon (DARPA) started to create spy plants.

Green scouts

What? Very promising idea: plants spies only need to “throw”. They do not need a “legend”, a long work on implementation. After its “rooting” on the territory of the enemy, such agents are completely Autonomous – no need to worry about supplying them with energy, to spend money on exchange in the case of disclosure of “spy” and try to veil the scandal. And the intelligence of the enemy is not at the moment any device capable of detecting such spies.

The only problem with green scouts is they don’t send reports. No-no encryption, no radiograms, and even a capsule with microfilm in the hollow or under a stone in the Park is not thrust.

Crazy idea, or don’t you ever say “never”?

According to the” Program of advanced technologies for plants ” (Advanced Plant Technologies) specialists of the headquarters of the us Department of defense think to use the development of genetic engineers for intelligence purposes. Of course, not to obtain information about the deployment of enemy missile bases – plants are planned to be used as indicators of nuclear or radiological threat, chemical and biological pollution, the level of electromagnetic radiation.

The authors of the idea think to create genetically modified plants that are particularly sensitive to such types of infection and are able to transmit signals-impulses about the threat at a distance.

December 12 last year, the Pentagon biotechnology Bureau held a kind of open day for researchers in the industry: biochemists, ecologists, biotechnologists, genetic engineers, specialists in plant physiology and other botanists. So to speak, to show itself and to look at others to advance and develop mechanisms of interaction between experts of various branches of science. And also for scientists to understand the interest of the government in such experiments and “wound themselves on the mustache”, in what direction of research it is necessary to deploy the eyepieces of microscopes.

One of the members of the expert Council of the Military-industrial Commission on the idea of creating indicator plants said that it has the most brilliant prospects. But he said that in the rather distant future. In the meantime, this idea is quite crazy, given that at the moment there is no technology to receive and decipher the danger signals that the plants-scouts, maybe (which is also not a fact), will transmit.

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