Decorative Shrubs For The Garden: Photos, Flowering Time (Part 2)

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The peculiarity and obvious advantage of summer-flowering Spiraea — their ability to bloom again after pruning. Therefore, when the first wave of flowering comes to an end, without waiting for the tying of the seeds, it is necessary to cut the tops of the shoots — new flower stalks grow from the axils of the upper leaves, and the spirea will bloom until the end of summer and autumn.

Simultaneously with the “summer” Spiraea bloom Stephanandra. Incised S. incisa and its variety ‘Crispa’ – shrubs with small, strongly cut leaves and creeping form of growth, and the species can rise to a height of 1 m or more, and ‘Crispa’ creeps on the ground, not exceeding a height of 40-50 cm, but still spreading its openwork branches up to 2 m in diameter.

S. tanakae forms a large shrub with arched branches, growing over time to 2 m in height and width. Both species have graceful loose inflorescences of light cream color. With S. tanakae often confused Neillia thibetica, whose leaves are really a bit like the leaves of S. tanakae, but the shape of the Bush, and inflorescences are completely different. Neillia thibetica has narrow dangling tassels of pale pink flowers, and the Bush, unlike S. tanakae, shoots underground stolons and spreads, which in the garden is not always happy.

Around the same time blooms Kolkwitzia amabilis — this is really a very attractive shrub with hanging shoots, elegant leaves and exquisite flowering. Kolkwitzia amabilis, planted in a quiet, sheltered from the winds, on fresh loose soil, confidently winters and pleases flowering, tolerates penumbra conditions.

Increasingly in gardens can be found Exochorda x macrantha, which is usually represented by the variety ‘The Bride’.

In the first half of June blooms so-called Potentilla fruticosa. Potentilla fruticosa today have become regulars of the gardens of the middle strip. Varieties differ in the size of the Bush (from 30 cm to 1.5 – 2 m), the size and color of the leaves and, most importantly, the color of the beautiful flowers. Potentilla fruticosa bloom throughout the summer to cold like little roses flowers from pure white to pink and red, all shades of yellow, orange, cream and peach.

In summer, roses bloom enchanting. Of course, this is the most beloved shrubs of all time. Today at our disposal and tiny miniature roses, and a variety of groundcover, Park, shrub and wattle, floribunda and tea hybrid roses. For every taste and for different purposes.

No one argues, the rose is the Queen, and in any garden there is always a place for it. But in the second half of summer and autumn, attention switches to the lush Hydrangea. First bloom H. arborescens ‘Anabelle’ and ‘ Grandiflora’ with rounded, large caps of inflorescences, and later gain strength H. graniculata.

And today their palette is especially interesting: white and cream ‘Tardiva’, ‘Unique’, greenish ‘Lime Light’ and ‘Silver Dollar’, pinkish ‘Grandiflora’ and ‘Pink Diamond’, intense purple-pink ‘Vanille Fraise’. The shape and size of the inflorescences in varieties are markedly different, often they reach 30 cm or more, but, for example, ‘Kyushu’ inflorescence loose, openwork, and ‘Phantom’ – very dense. In new varieties, the emphasis is on each flower, as, for example, in the variety ‘Great Star’ – the extreme flowers are very large and similar to the propeller.

Among the fashionable Heather group, as yet little known to our gardeners, there are miniature shrubs and large shrubs that bloom from snow to snow. In spring, flowering opens a variety of Erica, followed by Andromeda, Ledum and Vaccinium, Kalmia, Bruckenthalia, Gaultheria and Daboecia, completes the flowering Calluna vulgaris, presented in the gardens of hundreds of varieties.

It is impossible not to say enthusiastic words about blossoming in may—June fantastically beautiful Rhododendron.

For many of our gardeners, rhododendrons are still an unread book, because in our country there is no tradition of growing these shrubs. Fortunately, the experience of Amateur enthusiasts convinces: very soon in our gardens will bloom fabulously beautiful and extremely diverse rhododendrons.

In one article, it is impossible to tell about all the flowering shrubs that would like to see in the garden, because there are a huge variety of them today. But in addition to flowering ornamental shrubs have unique and very important properties for the garden, which we will talk about next time.

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