Fluffy Clouds Euphorbia Hybrida

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A few years ago in the flower beds appeared extant novelty of recent years of the world flower market-Euphorbia hybrida. This is an annual plant in the form of fluffy bushes 20-30 cm high and 50-60 cm wide, with thin rare branches.

Rare elongated dark green leaves, serrated along the edge, serve as a great background for abundant air flowering plants.

The flowers are small, white, surrounded by white bracts, which are a real decoration of the new Annual Plants.

In addition to the variety ‘BreathlessWhite ‘(with dark green leaves) on sale there is a variety’ BreathlessBlush’ (its leaves are brownish).

Euphorbia hybrida grows well in the open sun, protected from winds, places, on fertile, loose soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction.

Propagated vegetatively: cuttings; it is better to buy rooted cuttings in garden centers that sell annuals.

Euphorbia hybrida is good in mixborders, where it greatly facilitates the composition, shading and complementing flowering plants; it is suitable for planting in rockeries, as well as in hanging baskets.

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