Garden And Vegetable Garden for the Lazy: How To Facilitate Work In the Cottage (Part 2)

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6. Get a handy tool

In any case, you need a good tool. This does not mean that it must necessarily be expensive. But comfortable, ergonomic and reliable-necessarily.

Pruning shears or garden shears should cut, garden saw-saw, with a scoop should not slip off the handle. Rake or shovel require selection according to your height. And garden equipment should be different and correspond to the tasks, so it is better to buy it in sufficient quantity.

Convenient tool saves power, as a consequence-time. Model or variety should be selected for themselves. If for some reason it is inconvenient for you to use, it is not necessary to do it only because you read a lot of laudatory reviews.

7. Use the achievements of technology

It is considered that suburban agriculture is mostly archaic. However, the achievements of modern technology allow us to refute this. For example, you can use a heating cable to heat the greenhouse: and the hassle with return frosts will not be, and get an early harvest.

Another useful invention for summer residents, saving time and effort — drip irrigation. You do not need to run with a watering can — just turn the tap. And the installed automation will allow you to forget even about this little thing.

8. Automatic feeding

Preparation of the soil for planting in the autumn, the introduction of additional fertilizing during the season-the usual agricultural activities. This work can also be greatly facilitated if you use automatic feed osmotic pumps.

Such a pump, once laid in the planting pit, will feed the plant for a long time. The brand of the pump is chosen depending on the type of plants. Can be picked up for annual and perennial crops, as well as shrubs and trees.

This pump is a bag with a complex fertilizer and trace elements. The shell is made of a semipermeable membrane, and the principle of operation is based on the phenomenon of osmosis (unilateral penetration through the membrane). The pump gives nutrients exactly as much as the plant needs. Using this dispenser will give you not only the desired freedom (do not need to regularly make fertilizing), but also provide a richer and cleaner harvest. Overdose fertilizer will not work – with a decrease in the absorption of the root system decreases and the rate of return of the nutrient mixture. This means that you will not have tomatoes with nitrates, and there will be no salinization of the soil.

9. Sow in autumn

Spring is a hot time for the gardener: growing seedlings smoothly flows into the sowing. And you need to prune trees and shrubs, treat the site from pests, as well as plant annual flowers and put in order perennial. And time is short — may is short.

To reduce garden work in the spring, move part to autumn. Under winter, you can plant not only garlic and Allium porrum, but also sow dill and parsley, Eruca sativa, Beta vulgaris, carrots, cabbage. And, of course, flowers-Calendula officinalis, Tagetes, Aster, Tropaeolum, Ipomoea and many others.

10. Choose the right garden style

The garden in the regular style with the perfect lawns, smooth carpet lawns and flowerbeds – not for “lazy”. Opt for a cottage style design, landscape or any other where a somewhat overgrown hedge or a picturesque mixborder mess won’t greatly disturb the look of your plot.

If by all means you want to have a smooth green lawn, pay attention to special lawn mixes made of slowly growing and not requiring frequent cutting of grasses. Or arrange a grass cover of stunted groundcover plants, such as Sagina subulata or Trifolium repens.

There are many ways not to become a slave in your own garden. The main thing is to understand and accept that you have a cottage — for you and your family. Enjoy your garden, not work for it!

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