How to Choose Petunia Seeds

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The range of Petunia seeds in stores is such that the eyes run up. How to choose? Good for those who already have experience growing these flowers and favorite varieties — but what about those who first plans to decorate your site with petunias?

Let’s see together what you should pay attention to, so as not to get lost in abundance and make a good choice.

Learning the materiel

For a start it is desirable to understand that mean all kinds of tricky words in the descriptions of varieties and hybrids of Petunia. What is all these “supertunia”, “millicurie”, “superbissima” and other?

How to Choose Petunia Seeds

Choose varieties

Having understood the terminology, you can determine the varieties. Here I would like to warn you against choosing “by picture” (all the flowers in the photo are good — but not all are suitable for your flower beds and planters). It is better to rely on more or less objective criteria:

  • where to plant (for example, for hanging planters-basket and cascade plants, for planting in the ground — Bush);
  • what effect we want (for example, if you need a “hat” of flowers is Petunia multiflora petunias or; if the soul asks for something extraordinary — pay attention to superbissima, for example, or large-flowered double varieties, and so on);
  • what colors and shades are needed (not just like, but also harmoniously fit into the future floral arrangement).

How to Choose Petunia Seeds

When buying seeds, it is important to understand how the selected varieties will fit into the future composition

Even if we focus only on these items, the list of varieties under consideration will be significantly reduced. And you can add additional wishes — for example, resistance to adverse weather conditions or early flowering.

In any case, it is important to understand what we want and what we strive for, and when choosing seeds from the “planned course” do not deviate — then the results will not disappoint.

Pay attention to the dates

In some cultures, the seeds perfectly retain germination, even if they are expired. But this does not apply to petunias. The shelf life of seeds for them is a critical indicator, in the deposited seed germination is significantly reduced. Therefore, do not buy the cherished bags, if they are already “not the first freshness.”

How to Choose Petunia Seeds

Choose a manufacturer

Here, of course, everyone has their own preferences — it is a question of experience and luck to some extent. But hardly anyone would argue: the seeds of different manufacturers in quality can be really different. If your experience is not enough — read the reviews of other summer residents about the selected companies.

What else is useful to remember

Who has ever sowed Petunia, knows: her seeds are microscopic. To facilitate the growers of the crops, manufacturers produce pelleted seeds Petunia. And that seems to be good. But not always.

How to Choose Petunia Seeds

First, these seeds have increased requirements for moisture: if it is insufficient, the shell simply does not dissolve or dissolve completely, and germination will not please.

Secondly, such seeds should be purchased only from trusted, reliable manufacturers, otherwise you can not wait for shoots.

By the way, it is appropriate to say a few words about the price. Seeds of “elite” hybrids can cost very expensive — but alas, this does not necessarily guarantee quality.

Well, here, perhaps, and all nuances of a choice. Or maybe I forgot to mention something? Tell us about how you choose Petunia seeds. What rules do you follow, what signs do you focus on, what advice can you give to those who are looking at these colors for the first time?

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