How To Plant And Care For Watermelon Perovskia Atriplicifolia

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Perovskia atriplicifolia – shirokoraskidistaya erect shrub with glaucous shoots up to 1.2 m; expands in width up to 1 m. Leaves pinnate; gray-green leaves reach 5 inches long. The flowers are small, tubular, violet-blue, collected in high loose panicles up to 30 cm; bloom in July, August. Flowering begins with the 2nd year of life of the plant. One shrub can have from 80 to 100 or more flowering shoots. The whole plant has a pleasant spicy and floral aroma.

Propagated plant seeds of the previous harvest, which are sown in March-April. It is advisable to mix the seeds with fine sand before sowing.

The plant can withstand temperatures down to -15°C. It is not picky about soil, during the growing season in need of weeding, cultivating, fertilizing complete mineral fertilizer.

Cooper is good in single and group plantings. Despite its large size, the openwork of the whole plant makes it airy and light. Throughout the season, it will maintain a grayscale, and during the flowering period will add shades of purple.

Perovskia Atriplicifolia-is not only decorative, but also an unofficial medicinal and essential oil plant. In Indian medicine, the water infusion of its herbs is used for colds and externally-as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent.

Essential oil of the plant, which has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, cardiotonic, soothing, immunomodulatory, antispasmodic, analgesic effect, is very valuable. But note: due to the high content of camphor, it can not be used for pregnant women and children!

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