How to Sow Petunia on Seedlings

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Many gardeners consider the cultivation of Petunia seedlings to be a very difficult task and do not take up it. Indeed, at an early stage, this flower is somewhat whimsical. But if you carefully follow some rules, pay a little more attention, then success will not take long. As a result, you will get an excellent strong seedlings, and your own.

The path to the lush flowerbed of petunias begins with the choice of seeds.

Terms of sowing Petunia seedlings is easy to calculate on their own. To do this, you need to keep in mind that these flowers are planted in the open ground at the age of 11-13 weeks. In addition, it must be remembered that Petunia needs light, a lot of light, and the entire period of cultivation, starting with the unfolding of seeds on the ground.

Therefore, even if you put your crops on the sun window sill, until mid-March, they still will not have enough light. If you have no opportunity to organize supplementary lighting of seedlings, before March 15 makes no sense Petunia and sow.

Sowing in the peat pill

Many summer residents have already felt the convenience of growing seedlings in peat tablets. They are especially good for those plants that do not tolerate diving. Petunia belongs to the sissy, so she peat tablets really “shown”. Dear pelleted seeds or the ones that get me the piece, I sow so

First of all, tablets are prepared. They must be soaked in water at room temperature. The swelling time varies greatly depending on the manufacturer and can be 15-20 minutes or 2 hours. It is necessary to keep an eye on the process: as soon as the tablets well increase in size, completely saturated with water, you can use them. Drain excess water.

Soak the peat pill

Wet the skewer or toothpick to hook the seed and carefully placed in the middle of peat tablets, as a rule, it they feature a small dimple. Seeds do not close up, Petunia sprouts in the light.

Put the seed in the center of the tablet

After sprinkle the surface with water from the spray, it is especially important to do if you have sown the draped seeds. The fact is that if the shell is not enough to moisten, then it can not break up and then the seed will not germinate.

Spray with water

Now you need to build a kid. Cover the container with crops with a transparent cover or place in a plastic bag. You can use ready-made devices. We put the greenhouse on a light warm place, the optimal temperature is + 22…+26 degrees Celsius. At temperatures below +20 degrees, the seeds may not curl up.

Sowing followed by picking

It is not always possible for each seed to provide a personal peat. You can sow Petunia in a common bowl, and then dive into individual cups.

The soil for planting I take a purchase versatile, as long as it was soft, light and breathable. In the finished soil is useful to add a little vermiculite or perlite.

In the soil, add vermiculite

These neutral materials well loosen the soil and absorb excess water, which is later given to the soil when it starts to dry.

Planting containers must have drainage holes. Given that the seedlings of Petunia remain for a long time before picking in common bowls, it is desirable to choose them opaque. Otherwise, in a translucent container on the walls, it happens that algae grow, which does not contribute to the good development of seedlings.

The tank must be provided with drainage holes

Soil compacted and properly level. Moisturize it with defended or melted water at room temperature. On the surface lay out the seeds using a wet skewer, and a toothpick is convenient to mark the area where the seeds are already laid.

Lay the seeds on the surface

Top crops do not close up (Petunia sprouts in the light), sprinkle with water from the spray and cover with a transparent lid or polyethylene. The kid put on a bright warm place.

Seedling care

Every day the greenhouses with seedlings of Petunia need to be ventilated. To do this, slightly open the shelter and leave so for 5-10 minutes. While shoots have not yet appeared, if necessary, the soil can be moistened by spraying, and peat tablets are moistened, pouring a little water into the tray.

The crops in the greenhouse under bicolanos. Ventilation

Seedlings emerge 5-7 days, pelleted seeds hatch a little later than open. Wait for germination is a maximum of two weeks. If there are no shoots, then it is worth replanting. After the seedlings have appeared, the time of ventilation is gradually increased, and watering those in the ground, too, produce from below, that is, pouring water into the pan. Dive Petunia when seedlings formed 3-4 leaves.

And what are the secrets of growing seedlings of this wonderful flower you know? Share with us in the comments.

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