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One of the popular names of January reminds that at this time the day is already arriving, more often the sun is shown in the sky blue. They said: “January is on the threshold-the day has arrived at the Sparrow’s leap.”

At the same time, this is the frostiest month of winter: “in January, the pot on the stove freezes.” On January snow and frosts judged what weather to expect in the spring and summer:

  • If January is cold, July will be dry and hot, but do not wait for mushrooms until autumn.
  • Warm January-to late spring.
  • If in January March-be afraid in March January.
  • Frequent snowstorms and snowfalls in January lead to frequent rains in July.
  • Little snow in January – to crop failure.
  • Cloudy January-to a bad harvest.
  • If the weather is Sunny at the end of January, the summer will be productive.
  • If in January, frequent long icicles hang from the roofs-wait for a good harvest.
  • If January is dry and cold, snow in the spring will come together.

January Signs

Birds, animals, and various natural phenomena will tell you what kind of weather to expect in the next few days.many of these observations are true even today.

Behavior of animals and birds

Animals feel nature better than we do-perhaps their opinions and predictions can be trusted. Have you noticed that:

  • The cat climbs on the stove-to the cold.
  • The rooster sings untimely-to the thaw.
  • The hens on the perch huddle together-for a clear day.
  • Crows and jackdaws sit on the tops of trees – to the frost; sit on the lower branches – to the wind; sit on the snow — to the thaw; in the air they circle — there will be snowfall.
  • Bullfinch sings – to cloudy weather and snowfall.
  • Tit whistles — on a clear day.
  • The mass appearance of Tits near housing – to great cold weather.
  • The tit is agitated, circling, pecking at branches and tree bark-for bad weather.
  • Sparrows flock together and chirp for warmth.
  • Black grouse walks on the field — it will be frosty, and if it gets stuck in high snowdrifts – to prolonged cold weather.

Natural phenomenon

In the city, it is not easy to observe nature, but during the new year holidays, many people go out of town — to the country or just for a ski trip. And there, you’ll see, and folk signs will be useful:

  • If the stars in the sky Shine brightly – to the cold, dim stars – to the thaw.
  • Few stars – to inclement weather.
  • Fog is spreading over the plains-to thaw.
  • The sun sets in a fog – to a Blizzard, sets in a cloud – to a snowfall.
  • There were light columns near the sun-to the frost.
  • Purple sunset – to frosts and blizzards.
  • Abundant frost on the grass and trees — in the coming days will be Sunny, but frosty weather.
  • If the frost weakens in the evening, wait for precipitation.

January Signs

The oven will tell you about the weather

Those who have a stove in their cottage can check how true these folk signs that predict the weather are. It all fits together for me, but for you?

  • The smoke from the furnace goes like a column – to the frost, bent like a yoke — to the weakening of the cold, creeps parallel to the ground — to the heat.
  • The wind in the chimney is humming-to the frost.
  • A strong pull in the oven – to frosts, weak-to wet weather.
  • Firewood in the oven smoke, poorly inflamed — to heat; birch wood burns with a Bang — there will be strong frosts.
  • The ash in the furnace quickly goes out-to warming.

Check it out? Observe?.. Share your observations in the comments — do the old signs “work”, can they be used to judge the weather? Or is the weather forecast more accurate?

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