Multi-Colored “Steps”: a Master Class On Creating a Walking Track

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In order for the flower garden to be beautiful all season, it needs to be regularly cared for. But what if it is large or not too conveniently located? Then you have to move carefully, so as not to damage the beautiful inhabitants of the flowerbeds, which are usually planted quite densely. And in the middle of summer, the curtains of flowers so close that it becomes almost impossible to enter their home. But there is a way out-special step plates: you can walk on them without harming the flowers.

These “steps” made with your own hands will also decorate the garden as well as any figurine or any other accessory. Creating such a dotted “path” is not difficult at all, and it will be great if you call for help from the kids, it will be more fun with them. Walking paths look very nice.

They are also convenient for their mobility: if desired, they can be moved to any place in the garden — for example, “lay a path” on a manicured lawn to preserve the pristine beauty of the emerald lawn.

To work, you will need:

  • transparent packaging (box) from under the cake
  • dry cement mix
  • spatula or small spatula
  • remnants of ceramic tiles of different colors and broken dishes
  • a piece of old cloth or a sugar bag
  • water
  • hammer
  • a small basin or bowl

How the work is performed:

1. Wrap old ceramic tile in a cloth or in a bag from-under sugar.

2. Use a hammer to break the tile through the fabric into small fragments. If there are broken dishes, chop them in the same way.

3. Pour the dry mixture into the bucket.

4. Dilute the dry mixture with water, stirring until the consistency of sour cream.

5. Put the diluted mixture in the cake box. The thickness of the product should be 4-5 cm, then the tiles will be strong and will not crack when walking on them.

6. Carefully lay out on the surface of the mixture “mosaic” of pieces of broken tiles and dishes. Spread it out randomly, but try to minimize the gaps between the pieces of ceramic.

Step tiles should solidify during the day in a dry and warm place. After a day, put the mold in a basin or bowl with hot water, and then the product can be easily removed from the mold. If you accidentally smudge the mosaic with the mixture when laying it out, just wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

You can use this recipe to create as many step tiles as you need.

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