New Items From the Exhibition Bosch

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In June, the Bosch group organized a traditional annual press conference at its headquarters. The entire journalistic pool of leading economic and industry publications was invited to it.

In parallel, an exhibition of innovative products manufactured at dozens of enterprises of one of the industrial and technological leaders of Europe was held.

New Items From the Exhibition Bosch

I would like to devote the next paragraph of this brief report to the objective achievements of the hospitable hosts of the exhibition. And I do this only for the General information of those of our summer residents who have not yet faced the real work and quality products of this avant-garde international concern.

The Bosch group – manufacturer of the most diverse engineering. This heating equipment, and fire and security systems, and car accessories, and a wide range of household appliances.

However, for our readers-summer residents it will be interesting to know what new Bosch has prepared for the country life over the past year.

New Items From the Exhibition Bosch

On our portal, we have repeatedly written about chainsaws, without which a solid country, as without hands. And our readers are already familiar with the vast majority of variants of this tool. But when I saw IT at the demonstration stand, I realized that it would be something to surprise our discerning and experienced summer residents.

This is a real chain saw, only miniature size. Of course, it will not knock down a century – old pine, but to perform a smooth filigree cut along the curve, say, in a plywood sheet-it will not be equal. It is made according to the traditional construction scheme for chain saws.

The photo is of new famous European tool company very recently. Appreciate the elegance of engineering! This power tool resembles a ladies gun, works like a real, but small and elegant.

The month of July. Who among the cottagers have not mowed this season the grass? Moreover, in such rainy weather, it breaks records of “yield”.

New Items From the Exhibition Bosch

Let me introduce you to the recent design solutions for the motorcycle pump of the German company “Robert Bosch”. It provides and deflected the knife, and an arcuate bracket, which excludes “cercania” knife mowing unintended subjects. In case of contact with an excessively hard object, the knife is drowned in the structure and remains unharmed.

New Items From the Exhibition Bosch

An even more interesting solution is found for fixing the cutting tool. Designers completely abandoned fishing line or its analogues because of their regular breaks on the edge of the fishing line cartridge. With you, this probably also happened-and not once or twice.

Here, the fishing line is replaced by a fragment of a special cable, which is wound up in the mount between the round rollers. Replacement of the cutting edge of the cartridge holes with smooth rollers, according to the company’s specialists, completely eliminated the problem of cutting cable breakage.

New Items From the Exhibition Bosch

Speaking about the company “Robert Bosch”, it is impossible to ignore its crown instrument, produced in millions of copies.

New Items From the Exhibition Bosch

This miniature screwdriver-a mandatory attribute of the country workshop-was presented at the exhibition with an expanded palette of use. Not only does it work with threaded connections, but it can even inflate a fire in a fading barbecue.

New Items From the Exhibition Bosch

To finish the review of power tools I want a universal device for the slot of the toothing, grooves, cutting of metal rods with the help of torsional vibrations of the working body (in the bottom photo – in the center).

This truly avant-garde instrument appeared at the company five years ago. But then he had a network performance. The author of this review he worked on a thorough cutting of ceramic tiles and is familiar with it firsthand. Nice car!

But at the June exhibition was first demonstrated battery version of this wonderful tool. Its correct name is Advanced Multi 18. A great gift for these “homemade”.

New Items From the Exhibition Bosch

I will list other notable novelties of the exhibition:

  • Professional brushless drill GSR 18V-EC FC2 enhanced durability;

New Items From the Exhibition Bosch

  • new model of wall-mounted condensing boiler Buderus GB172i series Titanium line;
  • optical fire detection system point of origin, controlling a total area of 400 square meters.

New Items From the Exhibition Bosch

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