Look, here it is with Phlox divaricata, in my opinion, the combination of bright yellow and dark blue colors looks great!
Alyssum Saxatile pleased me with its abundant flowering and sweet aroma.
And how beautiful it looks next to the Anemone sylvestris.
Here is an example of an almost monochrome combination of Alyssum and late-blooming Tulip Deepika.
The variations of Alissum with other garden flowers are endless and each is good in its own way.
But Alyssum had faded, and it was time to decide what to do next. There are several possible scenarios. If you plan to replace an existing plant with a new, younger one, you can simply cut off the stems so that you do not use the flower to form seeds. I remember that the older the plant, the longer the semi-woody stems, at the ends of which are flowering shoots. The bush falls to the ground, falling apart, and this is not a very attractive sight.
What can I do? Alyssum tolerates pruning well, these are not empty words, I have repeatedly practiced this method of rejuvenation of 3-5-year-old plants, until none of them died.
The first method of pruning: the central stem is cut off completely, leaving 1 cm (0.4 inch) of the lateral ones on the left, cutting off only last year’s shoots on them. After 1-2 months, the young stem forms lush harvest bushes on the ground, which are covered with flowers in spring. Thus, the bush will not be very compact, but the stems will not be visible, the shoots on the cut of the central stem will hide them.
Second method: cut off all the stems, leaving 1-2 cm (0.4-0.8 inch), the bush will turn out a little dense. You can easily replace an old plant with a new, young one. To do this, you do not even need to sow Alyssum, just let the seeds fall to the ground, they will germinate themselves. You just need to remove the old alyssum and extra shoots, and the minimum distance between the bushes should be 10 cm (3.9 inch). I have tried several times to transplant Alyssum seedlings, but nothing good has come of it. Only those who remain in place survive.
And finally, one piece of advice. Do not overfeed alyssum with fertilizers, otherwise, instead of lush flowering, you will get lush foliage.
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