Tag: Garden Improvement

How to Create a Raised Kitchen Garden with Your Hands

For gardeners it is no secret that the raised (high) kitchen garden favorably differ in a set of advantages in comparison with classical. However, many people mistakenly believe that their creation is not only time-consuming, but also expensive. In this article we will try to convince them otherwise. In a […]

Top 10 Trends in Gardening

The latest trends in gardening can be ignored and the old fashioned way to plant endless potato fields, decorate the garden traditionally only with flowers, exhausting your back with hours of sitting at the beds in an uncomfortable position. But a better choice is to follow the new trends in […]

Care of Garden Strawberries in Autumn: Cleaning, Processing, Fertilizing and Watering

In autumn, gardeners are rightfully enjoying the fruits of their labors. Although most varieties of strawberry were aplodontia in the first half of the summer, fans of the everbearing varieties and are harvested in September, aromatic, ripe berry that has absorbed the heat of August. The main seasonal work in […]