We Make a High Warm Bed With a Greenhouse

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I decided to make a high garden bed at the dacha. I started looking for information, and it turned out that such a bed can also be warm. I spied the idea. The author also made such a bed and told about it in detail. Then — a story on his behalf.

My wife started talking about a high bed since autumn. Promised to do, where to go? April has come, there are drops in the yard. It’s good for a peasant to sit on the porch with a beer! But I hear a voice from afar — and all about the garden… I got up and went to make a high and warm bed from improvised materials. You can simply install arcs on this one, and you will get a greenhouse.

We are preparing the base for the garden bed

I did not pull out the woodworking machine. The boards for the garden were treated with a grinder with a petal sanding.

After polishing, I painted the boards with Pinotex.

I marked out a contour measuring 1 m by 5.5 m of a new bed and began to dig enthusiastically to a depth of about 30 cm.

At the bottom of the bed, I laid a layer of old boards. According to my plan, they will retain heat.

The second layer was laid on the boards with brushwood, the reserves of which were formed after pruning the bushes. Then-vermicompost, soil and spilled it all with water. And so-several times.

Foundation and frame for the sides

The base/foundation for the wooden sides was made of paving slabs. This way the tree will not come into contact with the ground and will last longer. Again, we lay a layer of organic matter — then the soil. Then-watering.

We make a wooden binding. The foundation, which is made of paving slabs, will be pulled together from above with frame boards. The tile will not “float”: the frame will hold it.

I connected the frame boards with screws.

We produce additional screed elements. We cut the reinforcement along the width of the bed.

And we weld a bolt to the armature from each end.

An additional reinforcing element is the reinforcement. She pulls both sides together.

To increase the strength of the frame, I fixed the corner joints with mounting corners. The corner of the garden was covered with a corner of the corner from the roof.

We create a fertile soil

We fall asleep on the bed of humus from the compost heap, then-a layer of soil. Again we water — again a layer of humus.

From above, I sprinkled an earthen ” pie ” with soil from the removed turf.

Here the bed is ready. You can sit in the sun… But the neighbor was vigilantly watching my activities. She immediately puzzled me with a question:
— And what are you building there so beautiful?
— I’m making a garden bed.
— And so it looks like a greenhouse, – said the neighbor and moved away from the fence.

The garden turns into a greenhouse

Making a greenhouse is an interesting idea. Quickly marked and drilled holes for arcs around the perimeter of the bed.

It remains only to insert arcs into these holes.

I inserted the arcs. Now the garden has turned into a greenhouse, high and warm. You can lie down on it and think about new projects. What else would you like to do?

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