What To Give a Summer Resident For the New Year. Tips For Every Taste And Purse! (Part 1)

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New year is a great occasion to please your relatives and friends with gifts. Have you decided what you will give? If your relative or friend is a keen gardener, then you are very lucky. After all, summer residents are the most fastidious and grateful recipients of gifts, which are easier to please. Moreover, we have compiled a list of very useful and necessary gifts that will definitely not gather dust on the shelf, but will immediately go into action.

1. Potted spruce-decoration for holiday and garden

A wonderful gift will be a live coniferous plant in a pot or container. This centenarian will decorate the home of the gardener in the new year holidays, in the spring will smoothly move to his dacha and will soon turn into a luxurious handsome man. Decorate such a decorative pet your site will not refuse any owner of a suburban area.

During the purchase, do not forget to check with the consultant of the garden center or nursery the degree of frost resistance of the plant you like. Not all conifers are able to withstand our winter hardships.

2. Seeds do not happen much!

If you have ever been in a gardening store on the eve of the holiday season, you probably noticed that a huge crowd of summer residents, circling near the counter with seeds, like hypnotized eccentrics. They can stand for hours, as if fascinated, next to the colorful packages and through one to put them in a basket.

Buy a solid set of seeds of vegetables and flowers, decorate the gift with beautiful packaging and safely hand over to a friend-a summer resident. But keep in mind that after that you risk “losing” your companion for a couple of hours. He will completely forget about the festive tea party and will go headlong into the study of the characteristics of the donated varieties and hybrids. Believe me, all of them will be tested in the same spring!

3. Give a new pet

There is hardly a cottager in the world who does not have houseplants in his house. Green Pets green thumb help the country to satisfy “hunger” in the winter and provide energy. Yes, an enthusiastic summer resident is a special person! He is charged with positive, looking at the green creature, and like no one else knows how to take care of him.

You can give him any indoor flower-the gardener has tender feelings for the entire plant world. And it is better to stop the choice on a symbolic gift of a poinsettia or Christmas star, which blooms in the New year’s eve.

4. I see the light! And he phytolamp

If your friend grows seedlings on his own, he knows firsthand what a short light day and elongated seedlings are. The best thing you can do for your friend is to give a phytolamp, which will save him from the annual experiences. This light device will provide seedlings with a useful red-blue spectrum of radiation and will help the gardener to get an excellent harvest at the end of the season.

Even if he already has such a lamp, the second (or fifth) will not be superfluous! Your gift will be solemnly hoisted over the next table or windowsill, and under it an additional portion of seeds will be joyfully sown.

5. Gift for health… the health of the garden

Every summer resident annually leads an endless war with garden pests and diseases. Save your friend from unnecessary spending in the upcoming season-give him a suburban first aid kit.

Option, with which it is impossible to miss – biopreparations. If you do not really understand what it is about, ask the seller of the garden store to help you. Let him collect a set of biological fungicides and insecticides from various diseases and pests, and then Supplement the set with no less useful goods-natural fertilizers. Pack a gift in a beautiful box and go on a visit – such a thoughtful guest will be glad to any summer resident!

6. Sprayer-an indispensable dacha fighter

If you are “not in the subject” and are afraid to miscalculate with the choice of drugs, shift your attention to the device that helps summer residents to use fungicides and insecticides as intended — a garden sprayer. It can be a small manual device or a weighty assistant for 10-20 liters. pump or battery-also you decide. One thing is for sure-every summer resident will appreciate such an indispensable gift!

7. Not like everyone else. A tool with meaning

In addition to the traditional garden equipment today there are many interesting devices that promise to facilitate the labor activity of farmers. These are all sorts of flat cutters, a variety of hand and wheel cultivators, fancy root removers, original shovels, potato cutters, miracle choppers and mini-woodcutters. To list can be long!

I’ll tell you a secret, any summer resident secretly wants to try out each of these unusual devices, but thrift prevents him: “what if this is complete nonsense, and throw money to the wind?”. Or maybe it wasn’t nothing at all. Give pleasure to a loved one-give one of these tools. He won’t know how to wait until spring to try it out!

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