Holiday of all holidays-New year! Day, or rather, night, which is prepared for a long time, making a special menu, stocking up on delicacies and original recipes. The experience of millions shows that the kings of the night feast are salads, hot eat reluctantly, and the cake goes perfectly to five in the morning.
I offer you what I will put on the table on December 31. Add to this your cucumbers and tomatoes, homemade liqueurs and wine, pies with all sorts of things. Well, you know what I mean…
Salad with chicken and grapes
Chicken fillet boil, cool and cut into cubes 2 x 2 cm Berries of black or red grapes cut into halves, clearing the seeds. Leaves green salad cut not very chopped. All gently mix, salt and pepper to taste, season with mayonnaise. Season immediately before serving, so that the green salad retains its texture and does not become sluggish, like a dried lawn. Optionally, you can add parsley.
Crab and shrimp salad
Boil 100 g round rice (can be rice and in bags). Finely chop a fresh cucumber, the same amount of pickles by weight, half a red sweet pepper, 4 hard-boiled eggs, 1 medium boiled carrot. Mix.
To this add pre-cooked shrimp (I cook, peel and keep in the refrigerator in the same water in which they were cooked, then they remain juicy) and disassembled into pieces crabs (or crab meat). Fill with a mixture of two mayonnaise (one-fatter, the other — sharper) and sour cream in equal parts. The main advantage of this salad-it creates a “base” for the subsequent consumption of strong drinks. After all, rice is the best Foundation for a long feast.
Eggplant (4 medium), cut lengthwise into long strips, roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil.
Meanwhile, make the sauce. Tomatoes (0.5 kg) peel (for this they must be thrown for half a minute in boiling water, and then pour cold water), cut into small cubes, put in a saucepan, salt, add fresh or dried Basil and simmer until thick porridge.
In a baking dish (it is better to take a glass one, it is more beautiful), having previously greased it with vegetable oil, pour a little sauce, then lay out a layer of fried eggplants, pour eggs (2 PCs.) lightly beaten with salt and pepper. Top with any soft cheese such as mozzarella, cut into thin slices, pour tomato sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese (ideally Parmesan, hard, very spicy). Again, a number of eggplant, and continue the pattern. The last layer is eggplant strips, and on them-a solid layer of grated hard cheese. Send in the oven with medium heat for half an hour.
On the table, this beauty is served in what was prepared. And again! In the cold the form of better position not worse. As a last resort, you can reheat in the oven. The main thing in this dish-tomatoes and Basil, it is better fresh, so that the sauce from them was a lot, generously. As generously as they do in Italy. And then on the table you will have some southern sun in the cold winter.
Cake “bird’s milk”
Dough: 3 eggs, 1 Cup sugar, 3 tablespoons cocoa powder, ½ pack of margarine, 1 Cup flour, 1/3 teaspoon soda (extinguish with vinegar or lemon). Beat eggs with sugar, add cocoa and beat again. To this mass add softened margarine, flour, soda. Mix and put in a greased and dusted with flour form. Oven at 180 degrees. While the biscuit is in the oven, make the cream.
For him from 500 ml cream and 2 tablespoons semolina cook semolina porridge. The most laborious work, for 30 minutes, with constant stirring, to the point where the grains turn into a homogeneous mass. In the cooled porridge, add 1 lemon grated on a small grater. Add 200 g of softened butter, 1 Cup with a slide of powdered sugar, beat everything into a fluffy mass. The cream is ready.
Cut the cake across and lubricate the cream first the bottom, and then the top layer. Top and sides of the cake pour Fudge. To do this, take 4 tablespoons sugar, 4 tablespoons cocoa, 4 tablespoons cream, 40 g butter. Mix it all together and reheat, bring to boil, then remove from heat, cool to room temperature and pour on the top layer of cream. Fudge should not be warm, otherwise the cream will melt. Smooth with a knife, smearing the sides. Top can be sprinkled with coconut shavings (like snow), planed almonds. Expose to the cold for impregnation.
Hot down. Decide for yourself, fish, duck or pork. The recipe for the morning of January 1 is more important.
Happy New year to you, dear gardeners!
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